Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Only ‘National Defense’ Needed in This Country, Is Defense Against the Real Enemy: The Ruling Class and the U.S. Government

by Gary D. Barnett, Lew Rockwell:

“I believe that all government is evil, and that trying to improve it is largely a waste of time.”

H.L. Mencken

Throughout our history, and today, little, if any defense of this country or its people, has been necessary or warranted. The true enemy of the people of America is, and has always been, its own government. The real enemies are most all the politicians, regardless of party, the courts, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the IRS, the entire military industrial complex, and in general, the federal and state police forces. In other words, all the ruling class and it pawns in government, its enforcers, and all their institutions and bureaucracies, are the real threat to this populace and its natural freedoms. The ludicrous notion of national defense, and that government forces actually “defend the country,” is an outright lie; propagandized by the State and its mouthpieces in media, simply as a way to gain great power in order to own and control society.

Bill Holter and Mike Adams talk gold, guns, security dogs and navigating the apocalypse

from Health Ranger Report:



from The Red Elephants:


The 2nd Amendment Is the Elephant in the Room

by Wallace Garneau, American Thinker:

Let’s address the elephant in the room.

The 2nd Amendment was written as a compromise between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. The Federalists saw England as our nation’s greatest threat (having just fought them in the Revolutionary War, and being about to fight them again in the War of 1812), whereas the Anti-Federalists saw the Federalists as being our nation’s greatest threat. The Federalists wanted a standing Federal Army to fight foreign threats (at the time the British), whereas the Anti-Federalists wanted all military power to rest with the individual states such that the Federal Government would lack the power to infringe upon the rights of the people.

Podcast – Marissa Barrera – How To Fight Back When Cops Kill Your Brother & Cover It Up

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

In this revealing episode, Jason and Matt host Marissa Barrera, the dedicated sister of Michael Barrera, tragically killed by the Woodland Police Department. They delve into the disturbing details surrounding Michael’s death and the cover-up attempts that followed.

Marissa, driven by her loss, established the organization “Voices of Strength” to fight for her brother’s case and support others facing similar situations. Refusing to be just another victim, she has become a rallying point for change in the justice system.

In less than 12 hours, tens of millions of Americans will become felons because the ATF doesn’t like a plastic part that helps guns shoot accurately

by Annie Oakley, Not The Bee:

The ATF is an unelected body of hired bureaucrats that have no power invested in them to make law, and certainly not law under the “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” section of the U.S. Constitution.

But that doesn’t matter because this is 2023 and we need to progress past silly notions like liberty and tyranny because the federal government wants to be the only one that owns guns.

The Supreme Court Is Taking Up Another Major Second Amendment Case. Here’s What You Need To Know


by Katelynn Richardson, The Daily Caller:

  • The Supreme Court will hear a case this coming term, United States v. Rahimi, that could have significant ramifications for Second Amendment law.
  • The case centers on Zackey Rahimi — an individual who is “hardly a model citizen,” as the Fifth Circuit acknowledged while siding with him — and his constitutional challenge to the statute he was convicted under, which bars subjects of domestic violence restraining owners from possessing firearms.

90% of U.S. Cheese Contains GMO Made by Pfizer


by Ashley Armstrong, Childrens Health Defense:

Rennet is used as a clotting agent to curdle the milk into cheese, separating the liquid parts of milk from the solids. Pfizer makes a genetically modified rennet, but because of a labeling loophole, cheese containing Pfizer’s rennet does not have to be labeled as containing a genetically modified organism.

Story at a glance:

  • Traditionally, cheese was made with just four ingredients: milk, salt, starter culture and animal rennet.
  • Rennet is used as a clotting agent to curdle the milk into cheese, separating the liquid parts of milk from the solids. It’s an essential part of the cheese-making process.

How Denying Gun Rights Is Working Out in France

from Moonbattery:

Moonbats have dominated France for about a century now, so they have had plenty of time to implement liberal policies that our Democrats have yet to achieve, such as denying law-abiding citizens the fundamental right to bear arms. Let’s see how it’s working out for them, now that other liberal policies have predictably produced a massive underclass that is at war with the core population:

Daydreaming the Guns Away

by W.R. Wordsworth, American Thinker:

We find ourselves living in a highly consequential time for the legal clarification of the 2nd Amendment. Extremely aggressive, wide-ranging bans of semi-automatic firearms have been enacted in various parts of the country, drawing legal challenges. While the ultimate resolution of these challenges is unknowable, many observers believe the Supreme Court will eventually arrive at a decision prohibiting the wholesale banning of semi-automatic firearms. Those who dream of eliminating all private gun ownership in the United States face the prospect of a devastating legal defeat.

Full Authoritarian: New Mexico Governor Suspends Constitutional Gun Rights For Law-Abiding Citizens In Albuquerque


from ZeroHedge:

On Friday evening, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) issued an emergency order suspending the right of law-abiding citizens to open and conceal carry firearms in crime-ridden Albuquerque and the surrounding county for at least 30 days, after declaring a public health emergency in response to a spate of recent gun violence.

Grisham, who apparently thinks criminals will follow her orders, says she expects legal challenges, but was ‘compelled to act’ following recent shootings, AP reports.

New Mexico Lawmakers Call For Governor’s Impeachment Over 2A Overreach

from ZeroHedge:

Update (1848ET):

New Mexico State Representatives Stefani Lord (R-22) and John Block (R-51) called for the impeaching of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) after she issued a public health emergency to strip the right away for law-abiding citizens to carry firearms in public in and around Albuquerque, the state’s largest city.

“This is an abhorrent attempt at imposing a radical, progressive agenda on an unwilling populous. Rather than addressing crime at its core, Governor Grisham is restricting the rights of law-abiding gun owners,” Lord wrote in a press release shared on X.

New Mexico Gun Decree Won’t Fly

from Moonbattery:

In a trial balloon for the Democratic Party, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham suspended the Second Amendment by executive order in the name of another supposed health emergency. If this flies, Biden will issue a similar decree. But it won’t fly:

On Sunday afternoon, dozens of gun rights activists gathered in Old Town Albuquerque to voice their displeasure with Gov Grisham’s 30-day suspension of open and concealed carry laws that went into effect in the city of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. Many of the protesters openly displayed their firearms in a deliberate defiance of Grisham’s decree.

Gun Control Debate Ignores the Real Problems

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute:

Gun control advocates continue to claim that only restrictions on gun ownership will keep people safe from mass shooters and other criminals. However, good people with guns can stop bad people with guns. And bad people will still have guns despite gun control laws. Further weakening the argument that restricting private firearms ownership will reduce violent crimes is the fact that states with “constitutional carry” — where individuals are free to exercise their Second Amendment rights without seeking permission from the government — have lower homicide rates than states with more restrictive gun laws.