Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Great Election Fraud: Manufactured Choices Make a Mockery of Our Republic

by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:

“Dictators are not in the business of allowing elections that could remove them from their thrones.”—Gene Sharp, political science professor

The U.S. Supreme Court was right to keep President Trump’s name on the ballot.

The high court’s decree that the power to remove a federal candidate from the ballot under the Constitution’s “insurrectionist ban” rests with Congress, not the states, underscores the fact that in a representative democracy, the citizenry—not the courts, not the corporations, and not the contrived electoral colleges—should be the ones to elect their representatives.

Unfortunately, what is being staged is not an election. It is a mockery of an election.

MUST WATCH: Funeral Home Director John O’Looney Exposes The Secret

from The Alex Jones Show:


Sound Individualism vs Toxic Collectivism

by Claudio Grass, Claudio Grass:

Part II of II by Claudio Grass, Switzerland

When it comes to the State, however, and all its ministries, branches and institutions, a very different set of rules seems to apply – a much more lenient, flexible and liberal one.

For example, the core pledge of security, protection and stability has yet to be fulfilled: no government has ever delivered on any of these promises socially, economically, geopolitically, or monetarily for any meaningful period of time. No matter how consistently and how faithfully the people keep their end of the deal, those in power always seem to have a ready excuse as to why they failed to honor their own and a confident assurance that they definitely, absolutely and unquestionably will, if you reelect them of course.

Gang Members Outnumber Police 22 To 1 In The City Of Chicago, And The Ratio Just Keeps Getting Worse

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

The city of Chicago has become a time bomb, and it is a prime example of a very disturbing trend that is happening all over America.  Criminal gangs are thriving in most of our major urban areas, and Joe Biden’s open border policies are greatly fueling their growth.  With each passing day, more deeply impoverished young migrants pour into our cities, and many of them are quickly recruited by gangs.  It would be difficult for me to overstate the seriousness of this crisis, but it is largely being ignored by the mainstream media.

Trudeau SHOT DOWN By Judge Over Persecuted Truckers! w/ Gordon Magill

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


An Illegal Alien Military Invasion

by Mike in Alaska, Survival Blog:

The united States of America has been invaded by an illegal alien military force almost equal to what is termed a Field Army. I am going to focus on one report of illegal aliens crossing the border from Mexico, and in particular the breakdown of data of who those illegals are, and where they came from.

The data in the list below is courtesy of I had two concerns; the sheer number of aliens caught and processed and released at a checkpoint in Texas, and the demographic breakdown of this group.(1)


by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

We know 9/11 was used by the Deep State to impose totalitarian surveillance measures on the American people. This organized, planned and funded invasion of our southern border is being used to further enslave the country in debt, chaos, and civil strife. It’s purposeful, traitorous, and evil. “They” are creating the environment for a violent push back, which will be used to impose a military dictatorship and cancel the 2024 presidential election. This is a plan.

WEF Orders Govt’s To Digitize Billions of Citizens’ Brains Before Mass Extinction Event

from The People’s Voice:


NYT Stealth-Edits Headline Claiming U.N. Found ‘Evidence’ of Hamas Rapes

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

The New York Times, which is on the ropes over their “Hamas mass rapes” story falling apart, tried to prop up their failing narrative by falsely claiming the UN found “clear and convincing evidence” of sexual assault.

Documented UFO Encounters From Antiquity: Before “Project Bluebeam” (Part 1)

by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

Strange unknown objects along with the appearance of beings have been well documented for hundreds and thousands of years. This article presents a few examples.

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.” – Albert Einstein

“Project Bluebeam” refers to an unsubstantiated theory which postulates the use of highly sophisticated technology that creates holographic projections which look extremely real.

COVID VAX BRAIN DISEASE! – Doctors Warn Of Prions Among The Injected! – Gov BANS Anti-Vax Activism

from World Alternative Media:


‘Practice run for November?’ Facebook, related sites go dark on Super Tuesday

from WND:

‘They’re showing us what they can do in real-time’

Facebook and several other related social media sites to which modern society has become addicted left users in the lurch on the Super Tuesday primary election day in the United States by going dark.

report at Metro in the United Kingdom confirmed, “Facebook and Instagram have suffered massive outages, leaving potentially millions of users unable to access the popular social media platforms. The issue appears to be global.”

Western Governments Have Declared Open Season on Their White Citizens

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Normal heterosexual white people are losing the protection of law in the Western world.  It is happening in some countries faster than in others.  Although women in Sweden and Norway do not have the same recourse to law when they are raped by immigrant-invaders as they have if raped by white Scandinavian men, it is in Great Britain and the US where the protection by law has collapsed most rapidly.  

A recent example in Great Britain is the case of Sam Melia.  Sam, a white British citizen, made available stickers that read:


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


SCOTUS: States CANNOT REMOVE Trump from their election ballots based on 14th Amendment’s insurrection clause

by Ramon Tomey, Natural News:

The Supreme Court has ruled that states cannot remove former President Donald Trump from their election ballots based on the Fourteenth Amendment’s insurrection clause.

The high court overturned on March 4 the ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court (CSC) that prevented Trump from appearing on the Centennial State’s Republican primary ballot. According to CNBC, this sets a precedent that “no other state can bar Trump – or any other candidate from now on – from a presidential ballot or election for Congress by invoking the insurrection clause of the Constitution.”

According to the insurrection clause – Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment – “no person” can serve as an officer of the U.S. who, having previously taken an oath of federal office, “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States. The clause was adopted following the Union’s victory against the Confederacy in the Civil War.