from WhatsHerFace:
from WhatsHerFace:
by Joseph Vazquez, Newsbusters:
A leftist group financed by self-appointed Minister of Truth George Soros is partnering with a Big Tech-backed organization in an attempt to interfere in the 2024 election.
The Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) boasted in an Aug. 21 press release how it was leading a joint effort for “Helping Election Officials Combat Misinformation in 2024” with a “course” co-led by the Google and Facebook-backed Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL), which was significantly involved in the whole “Zuck Bucks” scandal to influence the 2020 election. Notably, Soros pumped at least $1,496,000 into the coffers of CDT and its international affiliate between 2016 and 2023, according to grant disclosures reviewed by MRC Free Speech America.
by K.M. Stewart, NSA Intel Analyst, ret., Activist Post:
As of late 2022, multiple FBI whistleblowers have gone to congressional representatives like Jim Jordan and Charles Grassley to report that not only is the FBI purging Conservatives and Christians from their ranks, but that the FBI Field Office in DC has ordered field offices all over the nation to put real crime on the back burner and get busy fabricating charges against rank-and-file American Conservatives especially. By calling them “terrorist threats” or “white supremacists,” the Biden administration can take more and more draconian measures against people they perceive as impediments to their plans to declare the American people themselves to be enemies of THEIR totalitarian State, and advance a falsified premise upon which to suppress, do away with, nullify yet more freedoms until we all have none.
by Frank Bergman, Slay News:
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger has declared that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace humans within the next five years.
Kissinger, a member of the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF), asserts that AI dominance will be the “biggest challenge” humans will face.
According to a report published on Insider, Kissinger made the comments during an interview with Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Axel Springer.
from The Jimmy Dore Show:
by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:
We all recall the FDA and mainstream media gaslighting the public into believing there was no available treatment for the coronavirus. They laughed at those who believed in holistic methods or the parasite treatment Ivermectin. Social media platforms were strongarmed by the government to remove any post related to Ivermectin treatment, commentators who discussed successful treatment with Ivermectin were silences, and the FDA launched its own campaign to dispel “misinformation” that they are now admitting was true all along.
from The Dan Bongino Show:
from Infowars:
from SGT Report:
Jim Houck has 29 years in law enforcement under his belt and he’s extremely dialed in to what’s really going on with the invasion of the US border and it’s far, far darker and more evil than the normies are being told. Houck and Dr. Lee Vliet join me to discuss the stuff of absolute nightmares, and if Kamala Harris stays in the White House for another 4 years, The United States of America will be doomed.
from Activist Post:
Do you know your First Amendment rights? Can you name all three branches of the U.S. government? If you’re scratching your head, you’re not alone. A recent survey shows that, even in an election year, many Americans are still fuzzy on some basic civics concepts.
The Annenberg Constitution Day Civics Survey to celebrate Constitution Day on Sept. 17, offers a fascinating glimpse into what Americans know (and don’t know) about their government and constitutional rights.
First, the positive: nearly two-thirds of Americans (65%) can correctly name all three branches of government – executive, legislative, and judicial. It means most people understand the basic structure of our government and how power is divided.
by Wendell Husebo, Breitbart:
Vice President Kamala Harris is not a moderate.
GovTrack’s scorecard ranked her as the most radical senator in 2019, further left than socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and leading writers of the New York Times rated Harris as the least electable of ten possible Democrat nominees.
It is unlikely Harris will campaign on her record. Her policies are unlikely to resonate with voters in swing states or overcome objections about voters’ diminished standard of living under the Biden-Harris administration.
from Infowars:
by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:
New Geography claims EVs will decide the election. That’s a reason, but it’s well down my list. What about yours?
EVs and the Election
New Geography says Electric Cars Will Decide the Outcome of the American Election.
Just last week the administration issued a draconian mileage requirement, one of many ‘nudge’ policies attempting to usher in an all-electric future. Replacing a massive $3 trillion industry with a singular technology represents a severe economic threat under any circumstances, but ramming through changes just as EV sales are slowing is nothing less than madness.