Saturday, August 31, 2024

The COVID Virus Itself Had Three Patented Genetic Sequences | Moderna & DARPA

from Red Voice Media:


Survivor of Mao’s China Tells Glenn Beck That a ‘Woke’ Cultural Revolution is Happening in America RIGHT NOW (VIDEO)

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

Xi Van Fleet is an American legal immigrant who escaped from communist China and even knew the horrors of living under China’s communist dictator Mao Zedong.

She is now raising an alarm and speaking to anyone who will listen, claiming that the ‘woke’ movement of the left is exactly like the Cultural Revolution in China that saw young people turned against their own countrymen in the form of the Red Guard.

JUST IN – Javier Milei is the new president of Argentina. Sergio Massa has recognized his defeat and conceded.


Moderna Admits mRNA COVID Jabs Cause Cancer

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

Moderna is finally coming clean in admitting that their mRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” causes cancer. There are billions of DNA fragments in each injection along with other contaminants that are linked to birth defects and cancer.

According to Dr. Robert Malone, who made an appearance this week at an “Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines” hearing led by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA),  Moderna’s own patent shows that its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” vials contain billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer.

Cloudy With A Chance Of Plastic, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News

from Dane Wigington:



from State Of The Nation:

The Zionist Liar-In-Chief Whose Lies Have Made Genocide Acceptable & Land Theft Respectable In The USA

Zionist State of Israel Lies About Everything … All The Time … And Then Lies About All The Lying

It ought to be crystal clear why Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was chosen to be the frontman for the apartheid state of Israel. He has all the qualities —in spades — of the so-called fake Chosen People who call themselves Zionists, which makes him perfectly suitable as an unabashed mass murderer and unrepentant territory thief.

Pilot warns of airline industry disaster due to Covid vaccines

by Sally Beck, Conservative Woman:

CAPTAIN Shane Murdock says the air industry is ‘poised on the precipice of disaster’. A pilot for more than 40 years and a qualified air accident investigator, he has found official data that back up his claim of impending global catastrophe. He adds: ‘When correlated, the data indicate there is an enormous problem that is having, and will have, a significant impact on aviation safety worldwide. There is enough evidence to be sending out red flags.’

MODERNA ADMITS VAX CAUSES CANCER! – Huge Development As Millions Die From Covid Injections!

from World Alternative Media:


Dr. Peter McCullough – Heart & DNA Damage In Every COVID Injected Person?

from mariazeee:


I just saw data indicating that there have been 17M excess deaths worldwide from the vaccines.

JFK 60 Years after his Death: The CIA, the Case against LBJ and Beyond

by Michael Welch and Jeremy Kuzmarov, Global Research:

It’s been called the end of innocence. The first of the great assassinations of the nineteen sixties. The first emergence of a national tragedy in real time on the media airwaves. The end of Camelot.

The death of the 35th president of the United States in a motorcade travelling through Dallas marked the end of trust in the U.S. government, and the dawn of what came to be known as “Conspiracy Theories” revolving around seemingly impossible events. Did someone really kill our beloved president? How can that be?

Israel, Gaza and How Everything You Are Told Is A Lie


from DollarVigilante:


Bill Maher Says Sudden Clean-up in San Francisco for China is Proof That Trump is Winning in 2024


by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

When leaders in California and San Francisco cleaned up the city for the arrival of China’s communist dictator Xi Jinping, the game was up and the mask had come off.

Suddenly, people in San Francisco and other Americans all around the country could see that the city could have been cleaned up at any time. The leaders there just chose not to do it.

What an insult to the public. Even Bill Maher gets it.

EXTREME: Big Tech Censors Viral Osama bin Laden Letter | SYSTEM UPDATE

from Glenn Greenwald: