Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sam Faddis Warns of Massive National Security Problems

from The New American:


Dead Cat Bounce? March madness, TikTok censorship, GOV controlling information? Pray!

from And We Know:


Why Does Michigan Have More Voters than Eligible Citizens?

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has some explaining to do as it was revealed that 53 of her state’s 83 counties have more registered voters than eligible voting residents. An additional 23 counties have a “suspiciously high” voter registration rate of 90%, which is far higher than the national average. The Republican National Committee (RNC) has filed a lawsuit against Benson and is demanding answers.

US Intel Report: Russia NOT Looking for Direct Clash with West

from 21st Century Wire:

According to funding records, the annual US budget for ‘intelligence-gathering’ is just over $100 billion. Despite this big ticket spending spree, it’s seems that Washington has been stuck behind the curve when it comes to its geostrategic policy and decision-making. 

After two years of dragging the country of Ukraine into an impossible proxy war against Russia, Washington’s intel agencies have finally concluded that Moscow is seeking to avoid direct clash with the West. Of course, this flies in the face of all the media and political propaganda being reproduced in the western political economy.

Mass migration is a globalist-led plot to hijack the American political system

by Frank Wright, LifeSite News:

In a recent interview, war correspondent Lara Logan explains why global elites push unfettered mass migration, and how they have managed to be so successful at doing so.

In an interview with prominent war correspondent Lara Logan, online political commentator Stephen Gardner asked why Joe Biden was “flying 320,000 immigrants into the United States in secret flights.” 

Equity Bureaucrat Calls for Burning Down America

from Moonbattery:

DEI has led to liberals hiring people to implement their ideology who are so dumb, they express their views openly and state the game plan out loud. From College Park, Maryland:

Kayla Aliese Carter supports “Black liberation” through revolutionary means and said she is working with some activists to plan “how we will eat and live and grow after we burn it all down.” She was hired to be a “Racial Equity Officer” under former Mayor Patrick L. Wojahn, who resigned from office after being arrested for child pornography.

Doctors Sound Alarm Over Global Surge in Cancers Among Young People Since Pandemic With No Obvious Cause

by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

Doctors across the world are sounding the alarm over a surging epidemic of young people being diagnosed with cancers since the pandemic, with no obvious explanation for what lies behind it. The Mail has the story.

Nearly every continent is experiencing an increase of various types of cancer in people under 50 years old, which is particularly problematic as the disease tends to be caught in later stages in this population because most doctors aren’t trained to look for it in young people.

The Latest Development on ‘Long COVID’ Is Going to Make You Angry

by Matt Vespa, Townhall:

So, what the hell did we go through all of this for? I expected another wave of either anger or hilarity regarding the new guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued earlier this month about COVID: we can pretty much treat this viral infection like the flu. Remember, it was not long ago that even uttering such a thing could land you in social media jail or be branded a science denier. The footnote for the COVID pandemic will be that the people were right, and the experts were wrong.

EXPOSED: Globalists ‘Secretly Working with Banks’ to Create Famine in US w/ Clayton Llewellyn

from Man in America:


Boeing 737 With 139 Passengers Loses External Panel Mid-Air

from ZeroHedge:

Literally, not a day goes by without Boeing suffering some major incident, whether it is doors and tires falling off, runway excursions, engine fires, hydraulic leaks, pilot seats flailing around the cockpit and slamming the yoke and, OH YEAH, a “suicided” whistleblower who told a close friend if anything happened to him, it most certainly wasn’t suicide. Well, we can now add one more: a United Airlines flight – because it’s never American or Delta… always United – that took off from San Francisco International Airport Friday morning landed in Oregon with a missing external panel, abc7 reported citing to officials.

EXCLUSIVE: Former DOD Manager Exposes Boeing’s Culture Of Arrogance

from The Alex Jones Show:


Well, new evidence shows the CIA has turned on the American people…

from Revolver News:

The CIA’s job isn’t to turn its “intelligence” apparatus against Americans, but shockingly, that’s exactly what seems to be happening. Let’s rewind a bit. The January 6th rally was meant to be a pivotal moment, a gathering of Americans who felt robbed of their vote united in their demand for thorough election scrutiny. They weren’t asking for much—just for their voices to be heard and the 2020 election mess to be properly investigated. President Trump, anticipating the massive turnout, tried to call in the National Guard for safety. But, curiously, his requests were denied. Liz Cheney reportedly hid evidence of Trump’s attempts to get additional security.

With Millions Of Vax Deaths Confirmed To Be A ’12-Sigma Event,’ The Eugenicists Who’ve Carried Out The Greatest Crime Upon Humanity In World History Are Free To Murder More & More

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

According to this June 20th of 2022 story at the Harvard International Review, the population of the planet Earth is rising faster than ever before with the number of human beings living on our planet never higher than it is now according to the United Nations, rising from approximately 1 billion people in the year 1800 to over 7.5 billion people today, with the HIR story claiming this ‘phenomenon’ is known as ‘overpopulation’.

Stressing within the opening of that story that those who are pushing the ‘overpopulation theory’ believe our world’s resource reserves will soon be outpaced by the planet’s population growth, diminishing the ‘quality of life’ all over the planet, it also reported those people believe the world’s food supply will inevitably become inadequate for feeding the general population, whose numbers would continue to swell until famine, disease, epidemics, war, or other calamities took root.


from The David Knight Show: