Friday, May 3, 2024

Chaos Erupts! We Are Witnessing Riots, Protests And Civil Unrest All Over The Western World In 2024

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

Order is breaking down all over the western world as governments lose control of their populations.  Farmers have been holding angry protests throughout Europe, enormous groups of migrants have been rioting on a regular basis, looting has become a way of life in many communities in the United States, and now truckers are calling for a historic boycott of New York City.  We are witnessing very alarming explosions of anger and frustration all over the western world right now, and there are no easy answers because most of us have lost faith in those that are governing us.

Don’t fear the COLLAPSE that’s coming… it’s NECESSARY to end the INSANITY that now defines western civilization

from Health Ranger Report:


Derek Myers Claims He Was Recruited By Feds: Fed Provocateurs Instigated J6 Riot

from Stew Peters Network:


Farmers protests are spreading across the world; people are waking up to the fact that the war on farming is not a coincidence

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Farmers across Europe continue to protest against the implementation of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030.  The European Commission has tried to deflect blame by explaining that the protests are because European farmers are on the “frontline” of climate change and the war in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, farmers’ protests spread to India with farmers and their supporters marching on Delhi this week.

NYPD Says ‘Well Over 5,000’ Cops Injured Amidst Migrant Crisis


by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

Projections suggest over 5,400 police officers were injured by suspects in New York City in 2023, as the Big Apple remains in the grip of a disorderly migrant crisis.

The number of officers injured by suspects in 2022 stood at 4,724, a 20 percent increase on the 2021 figure of 3,933. Full figures for 2023 have not been released, but 4,077 officers had been injured after just nine months, with projections indicating the total for the year would have been around 5,436.

BREAKING: An autonomous Waymo vehicle is intentionally set on fire in Chinatown, according to SF Fire. Firefighters said they got reports around 10 people were involved.


Spain: Riot police are used to crush farmers’ protests

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Farmer protests have been taking place since Tuesday throughout Spain.  Yesterday they announced that would they take their protest to the Socialist Party headquarters in Madrid today.  The government has announced that they would deploy riot police to avoid farmers blocking roads as they had done for the previous four days.

Meanwhile, yesterday, social media users were widely sharing footage of police aggression towards protestors.  Many are claiming these are not the usual police officers but rather members of Eurogendfor.

The reason we MUST have a Republican Civil War


by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

This country MUST see a Donald Trump 2024 win. We simply cannot continue with policies that are so dumb they literally hurt your head – such as printing money to fund Ukranian Nazi border security while leaving ours open. The problem is that winning in 2024 – and governing after the win – cannot happen without the civil war that is occurring right now in the GOP.

Protesting Farmers Win Big Concessions, But EU Leaders Dig in Their Heels on Net Zero Climate Target

by John-Michael Dumais, Childrens Health Defense:

After the farmer protests in Brussels last week, European Commission leaders announced concessions to lighten the burden of greenhouse gas reductions on growers, but held the course with plans to cut 90% of emissions by 2040.

Eagle Pass FALSE FLAG Could Trigger Civil War Warns Ex-Border Agent J.J. Carrell

from Man in America:


McConnell: Ukraine-Border Bill Dead. Democrats Fume. Biden Blames Trump. Johnson, House GOP Saved the Day

by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

In a win for the American people, U.S. Senate Republicans have abandoned the illegal-alien amnesty they called a border security bill.

The reason, GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, is that House Republicans said it would never pass the House.

But killing the measure did more than deep-six language that would have imported more cheap foreign labor and given more than $2 billion to leftist open borders “refugee” groups.

It also delays more wasteful foreign aid to Ukraine and Israel, which would have amounted to almost $75 billion at a time when the U.S. national debt is now $34.2 trillion and counting.

Steve Quayle issues urgent WARNING: Invading migrant forces will DECIMATE blue cities as America falls

from Health Ranger Report:


EU Forced To Scrap Key Elements of Green Agenda Amid Farmers Protests

by Niamh Harris, The Peoples Voice:

The uprisings among farmers across Europe have forced the globalist European Union leadership in Brussels to back down from key elements to its green agenda to achieve “net zero” emissions.

At least for now…..

Following major wins last year in The Netherlands, the farmers tractor protests have managed to secure another significant victory against the globalist agenda.

Europe’s Agrarian Uprisings: Brussels is reaping what it sowed

by Claudio Grass, Claudio Grass:

Across the European landscape, a disquiet rumbles beneath the surface of rolling hills and fertile plains. It emanates from the very backbone of the continent – its farmers. From the tractor rallies of France and Germany to the demonstrations in Poland and the Netherlands, a wave of agrarian protests has erupted, driven by a potent cocktail of frustration, betrayal, and a yearning for stability.

Over the past few years, farmers in Western Europe have increasingly vehemently opposed policies designed to protect the environment, arguing that such measures incur excessive costs. Environmental regulations, lauded as “Farm to Fork” by the EU, are perceived by many as constricting livelihoods and punishing hardworking farmers and producers. Quotas, restrictions, and a labyrinthine bureaucracy squeeze profits and threaten generational continuity. Soaring inflation, amplified by fuel and fertilizer costs, erodes already tight margins, pushing farmers to the precipice of financial ruin.