Monday, June 17, 2024

“Cell Towers, Antennas, and 5G Emit Radiation Like Bananas?” It’s Time to Stop Consulting the Industry

by Patricia Burke, Activist Post:

Researcher Alan Brandt chronicled the denial that prevailed, for decades, about smoking and health harm in his book The Cigarette Century.

The article, “Smart Meters and Wireless vs. Energy Intelligence: It’s Time to Stop Consulting Drs. Who Smoke” referenced doctors who smoked, and failed to accurately advise their patients, in part, because they themselves were not willing to change their beliefs in the face of emerging evidence of harm. Many were addicted.

Bix Weir – Before The Election The Country Will Be Hit With A Cyber Attack, Good Guys Are In Control

from X22 Report:


MESSAGE / SECURITY: Assassination Attempt on my Life – Post Parcel from Kiev to Switzerland

from neutralswiss:


10 Key Takeaways From The 2024 NDAA

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

The $886.3 billion defense budget is headed for President Joe Biden’s desk and Congress is headed home for the holidays, its business concluded—albeit not finished—for the year.

(Epoch Times) The House on Dec. 14 approved the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (FY24 NDAA) in a 310–118 vote, ensuring its passage a day after the Senate adopted the massive appropriations measure in an 87–13 tally.

AZ Governor Katie Hobbs Sides with Criminal Squatters.

by Natalie Winters, The National Pulse:

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs (D) has vetoed state legislation allowing homeowners to have unlawful squatters removed from their property by law enforcement. Senate Bill 1129 (SB1129) would have changed the status quo, which subjects homeowners to lengthy court battles before they can reclaim their property, empowering law enforcement to remove squatters as trespassers swiftly.

Hobbs, 54, argued in her veto letter that SB 1129 did not “respect the due process rights of lawful tenants” and could have “unintended consequences, such as for victims of domestic violence.”

Falling From Grace

by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

Years ago, Doug Casey mentioned in a correspondence to me, “Empires fall from grace with alarming speed.”

Every now and then, you receive a comment that, although it may have been stated casually, has a lasting effect, as it offers uncommon insight. For me, this was one of those and it’s one that I’ve kept handy at my desk since that time, as a reminder.

I’m from a British family, one that left the UK just as the British Empire was about to begin its decline. They expatriated to the “New World” to seek promise for the future.

Kari Lake – [DS] Has Been Exposed,People Are Leading The Charge,It’s Time To Take Back This Country

from X22 Report:


RIGGED ELECTION ALERT! Dr. Robert Epstein is Recording Data

from The Alex Jones Show:



from Jim Crenshaw:


Londoners Fight Back Against Anti-car Restrictions with a New Army of ULEZ “Blade Runners”

by Peter McIlvenna, The Gateway Pundit:

For the first time since the anger of the Poll Tax riots during Margaret Thatcher’s time as Prime Minister or the anti-Iraq war demonstrations under Tony Blair, we are witnessing an outpouring of anger against the government. In this case it is anger at the anti-car measures by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan. Citizens are attacking and disabling the network of cameras in London that monitors all traffic and fine cars that do not meet certain standards.

We Appear to Be Entering Stage Five of the Covid “Vaccine” Con Job

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

It’s been over three years since the launch of Operation Warp Speed and we’re finally entering the fifth stage of the Covid “vaccine” con job. I made my first predictions about the Covid roadmap and the way it was all going to go down in mid-2021 when we were still in stages two and three. It’s all falling into place as I thought it would with one exception. I anticipated stage 5 would start in early- to mid-2024 just before the GOP had locked in on President Trump as the nominee, but it appears to be starting now.


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Well, the holidays are over and all the decorations are back in their boxes, and we’re all well into 2024.  I suspect, too, that most of us are anticipating a “bumpy” year.  Many of us are waiting breathlessly to see what sorts of shenanigans will be resorted to by the American deep state to maintain its power, and keep the Bai Den Dhzao avatar in “office” along with the other avatars that constitute the puppet show of “government”.  But as the holidays wore on – and incidentally, a big thank you to all of you who continued to send in articles over the vacation, as we will have quite a “tidbits and honourable mentions” section this Saturday – anyway, as the holidays wore on, one little story came out of South America that the United States, because of the decision of the Colorado Supreme Court to keep Mr. Trump off of that state’s ballot because of his role in the “January 6 2021 ‘insurrection'”, was no longer in a position to lecture the rest of the world about its political shortcomings. Never mind the fact that whatever it was, January 6 2021 was not an insurrection, and never mind the fact that there was absolutely no due process on the part of the Colorado State injustices.

Proof America’s Critical Infrastructure Is Under All Out Attack To Rush ‘A Thinning Of The Herd’: ‘Once Is An Accident, Twice Is A Coincidence BUT Three Times Is An Enemy Action’

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

– ‘Enemies Of America Within’ Are Worse Than Any Enemies On The Outside

In an excellent comment by ANP reader ‘El Gato Blanco’ on Sunday, he spoke these words of truth that I must repeat to begin this new story, “Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action. Thinking of those 100+ food factory fires and train derailments since 2019.”

With ‘El Gato’s’ comment made in response to one made by Johnny Shaffer who had posted a screenshot of a new story reporting a NY City container ship ALMOST struck the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge connecting the New York City boroughs of Staten Island and Brooklyn after mysteriously losing power before a whole slew of tug boats brought the ship back under control, remember also that only a week after a cargo ship caused a fatal bridge collapse in Baltimore, a barge ran into an Oklahoma bridge.

Here’s One Reason This Gold Bull Run Likely Still Has Legs

by Mike Maharrey, Gold Seek:

Gold has surged to record highs of over $1,350 per ounce, and there is reason to believe this bull run has plenty of legs left.

Gold dipped below $2,000 for the last time in mid-February. Since that time, it has gained nearly 18 percent. But despite the rally, a lot of investors in the West have not jumped on the bandwagon – yet.

In fact, pundits on financial news networks have been poo-pooing this gold bull run all the way up. On March 8, CNBC featured a commodity analyst urging people to sell gold. Since then, the price is up over 8 percent.



from The Conscious Resistance Network: