Saturday, July 27, 2024



Whistleblower Report – Trust Lost: Local and State Law Enforcement Stop Cooperating and Sharing Information with Politicized FBI

from The Conservative Treehouse:

Miranda Devine has an interesting op-ed today in the New York Post, sharing information gleaned from a group of law enforcement who are no longer cooperating with what they see as a highly politicized FBI.

The underlying issue is not a surprise to many of us, and the specific reasons for the distrust and lack of cooperation are, not surprisingly, exactly what we predicted long before their assembly came together.

History Rewritten After Crowning of Queen Kamala

from Moonbattery:

Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. By the same token, Kamala Harris — who was ranked the most extreme leftist in the US Senate — has always been a moderate. On behalf of the Democratic Party, the liberal establishment has spoken:

GovTrack, an organization that tracks congressional voting records, confirmed to Fox News Digital it had removed a 2019 web page that ranked Kamala Harris as that year’s “most liberal” U.S. senator sometime within the last two weeks.

CIA Controlled Media Wants Iran WAR: After Failed Assassination Zionists Foment Anti-Iranian Lies

from Stew Peters Network:


House Condemns Harris for Failing as Biden’s ‘Border Czar.’ Media Claims She Never Had Title

by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

The leftist mainstream media is trying to hide the abysmal failure of Vice President Kamala Harris as “border czar,” the White House’s official designee to get the illegal-alien invasion at the southwest border under control.

Yet try as they might, the media can’t hide Harris’ non-attention to the border. Even some Democrats are fed up with her.

Six of them voted today for GOP Representative Elise Stefanik’s resolution that condemned Harris for failing to do the job to which Biden assigned her.

It’s Far from Over

by David Prentice, American Thinker:

The second candidacy of Ronald Reagan was the last time things have gone so well for a Republican campaign.  We are in a time of a turning tide, a time where the Stalinist left is being exposed, where leftists are in disarray, and where American ideals long buried are being resurrected.  Trump’s miraculous skirting of death has opened the eyes of many people to the evils we face.  Breitbart’s saying that politics is downstream from culture is finally reassuring for those not on the left.  Our nation is waking up from its slumber.

Mel Gibson: Biden ‘Sacrificed’ by Illuminati As New Satanic Leader ‘Selected’ in Ancient Ritual

from The People’s Voice:


Poof! GovTrack Scrubs Kamala Harris ‘Most Liberal’ Senator Ruling From 2019

from ZeroHedge:

It’s amazing to watch the real-time memory holing going on with Kamala Harris.

On Wednesday, we noted that the media (and how House minority leader Hakeem Jeffries) pushed the lie that Harris wasn’t actually Biden’s ‘border czar’ – pretending that she had no responsibility for one of the top voter concerns.

Not only did mainstream publications refer to Harris as the ‘czar,’ she was pressed on why she hasn’t visited the border.

One Man Found The Infamous “Carpet Trails” In Florida That Lead To Enormous Homeless Encampments Way Back In The Woods


by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

If you are still able to afford a decent home, you should consider yourself to be incredibly blessed, because vast numbers of Americans do not have a permanent place to live at this point.  Homelessness in the United States is at the highest level ever recorded, and it has been growing at the fastest pace ever recorded.  The homeless encampments that have been popping up all over our major cities have been making lots of headlines in recent years, but many of the homeless live and die in very isolated places far from public view.  What I am about to share with you should deeply sadden all of us.

FBI director bizarrely claims 8 UNSPENT ROUNDS found on roof near Crooks

from Health Ranger Report:


FBI Can’t Be Trusted to Investigate Trump Assassination Attempt: Roger Stone

by Alex Newman, Liberty Sentinel:

The FBI should not be trusted to investigate the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump, given the scandal-plagued federal agency’s sordid recent history with America’s 45th president, renowned political advisor Roger Stone told The New American in an exclusive interview.

Stone’s Background

Stone, who authored a bestselling book about the assassination of John F. Kennedy and is currently working on a new book about the failed attempt to assassinate Ronald Reagan, says Deep State operatives have orchestrated numerous plots to remove high-profile political figures in the past.

JUST IN – France’s high-speed train system is “severely disrupted” by coordinated acts of sabotage.

The Despicable Mr. Wray

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

Christopher Wray’s hearing on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was more like an effort to minimize it.

The FBI under Christopher Wray is corrupt and politicized. He was Sgt. Schultz, at times, was okay at other times but really brightened up when Democrats turned it into an anti-Trump rally. Democrats know what questions to ask to stir up the anti-Trump propaganda.

NEW – Obama endorses Kamala Harris.

US now ‘an empire of lies’ – China

from RT:

Washington sees nothing wrong in engaging in deceptive behavior to achieve its selfish aims, the Defense Ministry has said

The United States long ago became an “empire of lies” as it continues to push false narratives about China and other countries to secure its position globally, Zhang Xiaogang, spokesman for the Defense Ministry in Beijing, has said.