Saturday, June 1, 2024

Learn the Truth About Land Ownership in America

from The Alex Jones Show:


“Good Morning Students” … “Good Morning AI Overlord”

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute:

In recent years, schools across America, with the help of private companies, have been significantly ramping up surveillance on students, largely in the name of keeping the children safe. Now that there is big buzz about artificial intelligence, or “AI,” it should come as little surprise that peeping adults will increasingly employ AI to aid them in the surveilling of school students.

Last week, the Dallas Independent School District was boasting about its new pilot project, undertaken along with the company Davista. The pilot project, the school district says, uses AI to extensively monitor each student and then sound the alarm if a student deviates from his “baseline” behavior.

Talk about stifling. Doesn’t growing up tend to involve moving away from your baseline? And since when does being a kid mean you should have no privacy? Tough kids, that is not how the AI sees things.

Target Donates To Group That Promotes Secret Child Gender Transitions, LGBTQ Books In Schools

by Ben Zeisloft, Daily Wire:

Target has repeatedly boasted about efforts to support the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, also known as GLSEN, an entity which helps teachers place LGBTQ books in school libraries and hide their students’ so-called gender transitions from parents.

Conservatives have launched a boycott against Target after the retail behemoth marketed a female swimsuit as “tuck-friendly” and with “extra crotch coverage,” as well as hired an artist who creates Satanic items to make various designs for the company. Links between the company and GLSEN, which supports “affirming learning environments for LGBTQ youth” and activates “supportive educators,” resurfaced amid the backlash against Target.

“If people knew what was coming down the pike, which the US government has known for decades…..”

from State Of The Nation:

This is the primary reason for the utterly absurd CO2 driven Climate Change and Global Warming narratives

SOTN Editor’s Note: To all of our great readers, please read this introduction to the video posted below very carefully.  Then you will comprehend why the most important environmental truths and scientific facts and mundane realities about our Solar System have been so fastidiously covered up throughout our lifetimes.  And, why the New World Order globalist cabal has relentlessly and quite insanely pushed both the CO2-driven Global Warming and Climate Change.

Withdrawing your own cash? NatWest bank wants to know why – and see proof

by Mark E. Jeftovic, Bombthrower:

A reader sent me this graphic which is circulating on social media. Whenever I see an unattributed image like this going around I want to verify it, lest it be photoshopped, a deep-fake or some derivation of  “urban legend”.

Sure enough, if you go to NatWest bank’s website, right here – you see this cash withdrawal policy spelled out for all to see:

Ep. 3077b – The [DS] Will Cease To Exist When This Is All Over, Obama Is Targeted

from X22 Report:


Obama Judge Sentences Oath Keepers Founder Stewart Rhodes to 18 Years in Prison in J6 ‘Sedition’ Case

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, who came unarmed to DC and didn’t even enter the Capitol Building on January 6th, was sentenced to 18 years in prison on Thursday for “seditious conspiracy” by Obama-appointed US district judge Amit Mehta.

Rhodes’ crime was apparently mouthing off about revolution in private chats and lamenting after the event that “we should have brought rifles.”

“You, sir, present an ongoing threat and a peril to this country and to the republic and to the very fabric of this democracy,” Judge Amit Mehta, an Indian immigrant appointed to the DC district court by Obama in 2014, scolded Rhodes before handing down the longest sentence to date for any J6er.

‘Country is run by clowns and pervs’: Biden czar glories in sadomasochism

from WND:

‘This is not your grandmother’s Democrat Party!’

Just when you think the Biden administration can’t get any weirder in its promotion of LGBT- and other far-left social agendas, another bizarre incident comes along that screams: “This is not your grandmother’s Democrat Party!”

Poll: Almost Two Thirds Of Americans View Media As “Truly the Enemy of the People”

by Steve Watson, Summit News:

“A mind-blowing damnation of the regime press”

A new Rasmussen poll has found that almost two thirds of Americans believe the media is “truly the enemy of the people”.

The survey found that a total of 59 percent of likely voters either strongly or somewhat agree with the statement.

Australia PROMOTING PEDOPHILIA: Australian Government Hosts DRAG QUEEN Story Hour Inside PARLIAMENT

from Stew Peters Network:


Bombshell Video: The “COVID Pandemic” Was the Result of Extensive Media Propaganda: “Nobody Is Safe, BE AFRAID!”

by Matt Orfalea, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research:

Outstanding video production by Matt Orfalea.

From the outset in January 2020 we have been accused by the mainstream media of  “spreading disinformation”.

Who was spreading “fake news”? 

Who was behind the fear campaign? Amply documented, there never was a Covid-19 pandemic. 

Former UN Exec Dir Calin Georgescu: The Oligarchs Who Rule the World Use a System of Pedophilia

from TheLibertyDaily:


Insouciant Americans Have Doomed America to Tyranny

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Bombshell Video: The “COVID Pandemic” Was the Result of Extensive Media Propaganda: “Nobody Is Safe, BE AFRAID!”

Time and time and time again, insouciant Americans allow the presstitutes to brainwash, indoctrinate, and deceive them.  Afterwards they, or some of them, eventually catch on.  But despite lesson learned, another  precedent  that erodes truth and liberty has been established.  And despite lesson learned they will sit in front of their TV screens for their next brainwashing and indoctrination by the presstitutes who serve the ruling oligarchy by deceiving Americans.  My voice is that of one; theirs are many.

Episode 2760: It Is Time For MAGA To Hold The Line

from Bannons War Room:


Calvin Klein goes full-on Bud Light, releases ad featuring morbidly obese trans “man” in sports bra

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

It is a race to the bottom in corporate America as large corporations seem to be competing with one another to see which can be the most vile, perverse, and evil – and get away with it.

The latest contender for the gold medal in demonic Satan worship is Calvin Klein, which has come a long way from featuring cut models with pretty faces to now pushing morbidly obese transgenders with fat rolls bursting out of their inappropriately worn sports bras via its advertisements.

A new Calvin Klein ad campaign features a trans “man,” which presumably means a biological woman attempting to “transition” into a male-like appearance, wearing a sports bra while standing behind another tattooed, morbidly obese woman, we think, melting on top of a rusty patio chair – charming.