Calvin Klein goes full-on Bud Light, releases ad featuring morbidly obese trans “man” in sports bra


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

It is a race to the bottom in corporate America as large corporations seem to be competing with one another to see which can be the most vile, perverse, and evil – and get away with it.

The latest contender for the gold medal in demonic Satan worship is Calvin Klein, which has come a long way from featuring cut models with pretty faces to now pushing morbidly obese transgenders with fat rolls bursting out of their inappropriately worn sports bras via its advertisements.

A new Calvin Klein ad campaign features a trans “man,” which presumably means a biological woman attempting to “transition” into a male-like appearance, wearing a sports bra while standing behind another tattooed, morbidly obese woman, we think, melting on top of a rusty patio chair – charming.


Both of the really fat characters depicted in the Calvin Klein ad are wearing “This is Love” underwear from the company with their overweight and gender-confused sickness on full display – every crevice and ripple of cellulite fully exposed.

Somehow, this grotesque display aims to convince more people to purchase Calvin Klein clothing. One look at it, though, and any normal person would shop just about anywhere else for proper undergarments.

(Related: Last year around this same time, Calvin Klein released another perverse ad depicting a female model as a transgender pregnant “man.”)

Calvin Klein wants to go broke, apparently

The obese transgender featured in the new Calvin Klein ad is described by the modeling agency that represents “him” as “a trans man who has not had top surgery yet.” In other words, it is a really fat female with chest hair who still has breasts because they have not yet been surgically removed.

Like most other multinational corporations are now doing, Calvin Klein released the ad in celebration of its Pride campaign. The company’s customers, meanwhile, are outraged.

“The bra/beard thing has me confused,” one of them wrote. “If he’s trying to be more feminine, why keep the beard or is this transwoman having beards a thing?”

“Is he just gay and wearing a bra because he’s overweight and thinks it’s cute?” asked another. “So many questions.”

The fact that so many people thought the model in question is male rather than female is a testament to what mutilation through pharmaceutical drugging does to a person who decides to “transition” into a mutant.

Based on what has happened, or is in the process of happening, to just about every other company that dives headlong into the trans swamp, it is only a matter of time before Calvin Klein starts feeling the pinch in its pocketbook.

The general public, despite many decades now of relentless LGBT propaganda, is absolutely sick and tired of this kind of depravity being paraded around as normal and acceptable – and people are increasingly voting with their wallets by not supporting any of the companies that push it.

The only people who seem to like this kind of thing are other transgenders, one of whom took to Twitter, the Left’s favorite social media platform besides TikTok, to celebrate Calvin Klein for “showcasing unapologetic fat love, fat pride, fat cis bodies, fat trans bodies, fat joy.”

In other words, the latest letter to be added to the LGBTQ+ lineup of hideous is a giant F for FAT. So, the new phrasing is LGBTQF+.

“Another company with a death wish,” one critical commenter wrote about Calvin Klein’s embrace of ugly and grotesque to push its wares.

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