Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Top Priorities for Surviving the Coming Civil War

by Tunnel Rabbit, Survival Blog:

Introductory Note:  This brief article is a response to The Patriot Nurse’s latest video: How To Prepare For Civil War which was recently linked in SurvivalBlog


Secure your fresh water source now. It is the most important thing you can do after getting right with God. If you only have access to a deep well, get a solar-powered water pump from such a place as Backwoods Solar or install an inexpensive Shurflo model number 9325 yourself. The Dankoff Slow Pump is ideal for surface water sources and can be set up to be portable. All of these water pumps do not need a storage battery to operate and can be operated directly from a 100-watt solar panel. Berkey filters are great, but if you have a low-pressure water source that can be provided by an elevated tank like we had on our ranch, or an electric or hand pump then you can get better filtration and more filtered water for the same money in Berkey filters using this filter cartridge.

Video and Text of President Putin’s Speech on Accession of New Territories

from 21st Century Wire:

Watch the video of President Putin speech (with English voiceover):

The following is the full text of Russian President Vladimir Putin addressing the Russian Federation on September 30, 2022, marking the incorporation of Donbass, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions which fixes historical injustices, and defies the “colonial” West.

The UK government and corporate media’s blatant propaganda in an attempt to convince the public that digital IDs will benefit them

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The UK government, led by Prime Minister Keir Starmer, is intensifying its push for a digital identity system, with the launch of the Office for Digital Identities and Attributes and its Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework (“DIATF”).

The government and media are promoting digital identity as a convenient and efficient solution, with Tony Blair and other proponents touting its potential benefits, but ignoring concerns about privacy and potential risks.

The digital ID system could lead to increased surveillance and control and is likely to be tied to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which would require a government-backed digital identity system.

US Patriot Missile Downed Russian Transport Plane Which Killed 74: Putin

from ZeroHedge:

President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday that a Russian investigation into the shoot down of an Il-76 military transport plane which crashed close to the Ukrainian border last week has been concluded.

He pointed the finger at Washington and its supplying advanced weapons to Kiev in the remarks by saying it was a US Patriot missile that downed the flight. “It’s been definitively established that the plane was shot down by an American Patriot air defense system,” Putin said during a campaign event for his reelection.

Texas Versus DC at the Border Is the Most Important Political Battle in Decades

by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

Hyperbole has never been my style. I balk every four years when I hear how THIS presidential election is the most important of our lifetime. Passionate political commentators have said that about every election since Bush-Dukakis.

I cringe when I hear about this or that being the most important battle in generations… except for now since I’m the one saying it. The battle between Texas and the United States government, between Governor Greg Abbott and Joe Biden, really is the most important political battle in ages. It’s not just our sovereignty at stake with a border invasion in progress. That alone is huge. It’s also the constitutional debate over state’s rights. It’s also the incessant question about judicial supremacy.

TOTAL Leftist Meltdown In Argentina!

from WeAreChange:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Transgender Cop Attacks other Cops

from TheSaltyCracker:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/



TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/


from Dr. Jane Ruby:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Climate Scientists Dishonestly Cherry-Pick Wildfires to Push a Climate Crisis!

from Watts Up With That:

Egregious cherry-picking by alarmist climate scientists attempts to delude the public into believing that a slight increase in wildfire burnt acres can be blamed on rising CO2. First, they dishonestly ignore the scientific evidence that far more fires happened before the 1930s when CO2 and global temperatures were much lower than today (Graphic A).

Nonetheless, Daniel Swain, click-bait media’s go to “scientist”, myopically sees every negative environmental change as a function of rising CO2 due to his tutelage under alarmists Michael Mann and Noah Diffenbaugh. So unsurprisingly Swain falsely pontificates, “Recent work points toward anthropogenic climate change rapidly altering Western United States (WUS) fire regimes to produce overall more extreme wildfires.”

Episode 3487: The Trials Of Trump Only Strengthens His Base

from Bannons War Room:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

Covid Shots Cause Sudden Death by Weakening Heart, Study Finds

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A new study has identified another form of heart damage that is causing sudden deaths to surge among people who have been injected with Covid mRNA shots.

Top Japanese scientists uncovered evidence linking Pfizer’s mRNA shot to severely weakened hearts.

The team of researchers at the Narita-Tomisato Tokushukai Hospital in Japan, led by renowned cardiologist Katsuya Hashimoto, found that Covid shots are causing another form of heart inflammation that had not previously been linked to the injections.

The Next Generation Is Being Groomed For Destruction – Here’s Why They Are Vulnerable

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

The past week the National Education Association, the largest teachers union in the US, issued guidance on the use of leftist activist symbols in public school classrooms. As part of their advice to teachers, they recommended violating district and state rules and hanging items such as pride flags and BLM flags. This is generally cited as a means to “start a conversation,” a way for teachers to circumvent school rules. They might not be able to spend each day spinning lessons on woke concepts, but if a child asks a question about the flags in the room, then they can provide “context.”

From PropOrNot To New lines: How Washington Is Weaponizing Media

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Media outlets such as New Lines Magazine present themselves as unbiased and independent, however an analysis reveals deep connections to the US national security state, peddling disinformation to discredit genuine alternative media.

New Lines Magazine purports to be an independent media organization. Yet it constantly attacks genuine alternative media who stray from Washington’s official foreign policy line, all while employing many spooks, spies and other figures at the heart of the national security state.

Worse still, its parent organization, the New Lines Institute, has recently admitted to being directly funded by the U.S. government. MintPress News takes a closer look at this shady organization acting as Washington’s attack dog.

The Phony MLK “Holiday”

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

Should Martin Luther King’s birthday be a national holiday? If you ask those who say that it should be, they would probably say something like this. “King was the most important figure in the civil rights movement, and his great speech ‘I Have a Dream,’ delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington in 1963, is the finest expression of the ideal of racial equality. Tragically, he was assassinated in 1968. Making his birthday a holiday shows our commitment to the sort of society he favored.”