Saturday, July 27, 2024

Epstein LIST coming? Starlink, Colorado FAIL, Immigration surge, Higgins/J6/LARA

from And We Know:


The US Govt Has Set Up US Military Bases To Be Sitting Ducks For Terror By Disarming Service Members And Transforming Them From War Fighters Into ‘Social Justice Warriors’

by Mike McDaniel, All News Pipeline:

Among the realities of military life on Continental United States (CONUS) military installations is the disarmament of military members. The only service members allowed to carry arms are those whose Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) requires it. For the most part, that means only military police officers can carry arms, and even those troops are restricted as to time and place. They pick up their arms and ammunition just before going on duty, and return them to the armory immediately after going off duty.


from Press For Truth:


Trump vs. COVID? Finally?

by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

I want to talk about Donald Trump and COVID today.

Trump came out recently and made a big statement about COVID being used to steal the election. I tweeted a bit and put a few things out there on this, but I haven’t talked about it much on the show. Someone I’ve been listening to a little bit is Jenna Ellis, Trump’s former lawyer. While I disagree with her jumping ship to the DeSantis boat, some of what she’s said regarding Trump’s COVID response has been pretty interesting.

Peter Hotez’s War Against Science

by Robert Malone MD MS, Who Is Robert Malone:

Approaches for dealing with those who promote falsehoods and seek to silence the truth

Having previously posted the original version of this article, I think it necessary to cross-post the updated version now, which has become more relevant with the recent dust up between Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Bobbie Kennedy and Peter Hotez (with a particularly snide vice article thrown in for added spicing). Happy fathers day indeed. –

Note: This article was published as a guest post by Robert Malone four days ago so it could reach more people. Due to unexpected events that happened immediately following its publication on Twitter, I felt I needed to revise it to include them and republish it here.

FALSE FLAG? — ‘Racist’ Reform Volunteer in State TV Sting is Actor Specializing in ‘Secret Filming.’

by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

Brexit leader Nigel Farage is raising questions about Andrew Parker, a low-level volunteer for his Reform Party who was secretly recorded calling Prime Minister Rishi Sunak a slur and saying boat migrants should be shot by state-owned Channel 4. Parker turns out to be a professional actor who has previously worked for Channel 4 and lists ‘Secret Filming’ as one of his specialties.

Farage says Parker initially lied to both Reform and The Telegraph newspaper about being an actor when the Channel 4 story broke. Parker now admits he is an actor, but denies he was acting when Channel 4 recorded his remarks about Sunak being a “f***ing Paki.”

The Deep State’s Accelerating Attacks On Trump Show A Consciousness Of Guilt

by Ron Wright, American Thinker:

Joe Biden has proven to be a puppet of the Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian oligarchs—a true Manchurian Candidate. Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s princelingraked in millions of dollars at arm’s length from Uncle Joe for the Biden crime family from adversaries for no credible business reason. Why?

The purpose was to gain access to Joe Biden for favorable policy decisions and actions, i.e., going soft on China and Russia, releasing funds to the Iranian Mullahs whose proxies attack Israel, selective prosecution of political enemies, and allowing a two-tiered justice system.


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


Just in case China calls THIS a new pandemic

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News:

China…new mystery outbreak…

Gateway Pundit:

“An unexplained pneumonia-like sickness is reportedly swiftly spreading through schools in China, leading to a surge of hospitalizations of children.”

“Over the past few weeks, numerous schools in China, predominantly in Beijing and Liaoning province, have reported a rapid increase in children presenting with severe symptoms. These symptoms, including high fever and lung inflammation, are eerily similar to those of pneumonia, Daily Mail reported.”

Moronic & Demonic Indictment, BRICS in Business, CV19 Horror Returns

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

It’s Donald Trump’s fourth indictment for more made-up crimes and political persecution that no other American President in history has had to endure.  This time it is a host of Georgia RICO charges, but in reality, it is making the 1st Amendment a crime.  How dare anyone complain about an election that was obviously stolen in 2020.  The Deep State is trying any desperate act to stop Trump from running in 2024.  The charges filed by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis are moronic and demonic at the same time.  DA Willis has turned her office into a cartoon.  Legal experts say this is a weak case at best but anything to tie Donald Trump up as the Fulton County DA wants a court date for Donald Trump just before the 2024 election.  That’s not political, is it?

Staten Island Residents Are So Frustrated With Illegal Immigrants That They Want to Secede From New York City

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

People in Staten Island have had it with the steady flow of illegal immigrants into their community and calls are growing for the borough to secede and break away from New York City.

Staten Island is very different than other parts of New York. It is much more conservative than the other boroughs and has lots of Republicans and Trump supporters.

They don’t like how the problem is being handled by Mayor Adams. They see where this is going and they want no part of it.


from Press For Truth:


The Biden Administration’s Creative Rule-Breaking To Destroy The Border

by Kathleen Brush, American Thinker:

Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Mayorkas opines that America’s immigration crisis is an outcome of a “system” that has been broken for thirty years. An honest Mayorkas would take ownership of a crisis three years in the making. He would say that, by leveraging a record-breaking 535 immigration actions, we are giving millions of, at best, loosely vetted, mostly non-English speaking “twilight” immigrants a pathway to citizenship, with no pesky conditions like good moral character, self-reliance, adopting American values, speaking English, or obeying the law. It wasn’t always this way.

House Committee Passes Anti-CBDC Bill

by Steve Bonta, The New American:

The House Financial Services Committee has been busy of late. On Wednesday, September 20, no fewer than 11 separate pieces of legislation were passed out of committee, a number of which have very positive ramifications for the cause of liberty.

Perhaps the most important is H.R. 5403, the “CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act,” which would ban the issuance of central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, by the Federal Reserve. The bill, offered by Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-Minn.), “prevents the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC directly or indirectly to individuals or maintaining accounts on behalf of individuals” and also “prohibits the Secretary of the Treasury from directing the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to issue a CBDC and clarifies that a CBDC can only be issued pursuant to congressional authorization,” according to a Financial Service Committee press release.

Episode 3531: The Globalist Regime Wants To Spy On You

from Bannons War Room: