The Biden Administration’s Creative Rule-Breaking To Destroy The Border


by Kathleen Brush, American Thinker:

Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Mayorkas opines that America’s immigration crisis is an outcome of a “system” that has been broken for thirty years. An honest Mayorkas would take ownership of a crisis three years in the making. He would say that, by leveraging a record-breaking 535 immigration actions, we are giving millions of, at best, loosely vetted, mostly non-English speaking “twilight” immigrants a pathway to citizenship, with no pesky conditions like good moral character, self-reliance, adopting American values, speaking English, or obeying the law. It wasn’t always this way.


It’s true that, from the 1960s through the 1980s, Democrats loosened immigration restrictions to encourage future Democratic voters to enter. However, in the 1990s, the United States stopped bowing to the UN’s dictates on who to accept as refugees. It’s also when Bill Clinton authorized doubling down on protecting the southern border, making it harder to claim asylum and easier to deport illegal aliens, along with changing welfare eligibility for legal immigrants from one day to five years.

Since 2021, though, Mayorkas has been reversing these controls to align US refugee policies more closely with UN dictates that effectively hold Western nations responsible for the poverty, wars, crime, and diseases arising under the despotic regimes of the global south. This includes blocking the construction of the border wall because we are “a nation of immigrants,” making it possible for almost anyone to claim asylum, almost impossible to deport illegal immigrants, and easy for most immigrants to qualify for welfare. These actions help him to fulfill his legacy, “to build safe, lawful, and humane pathways” to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants already here.

Few Americans know about today’s easy entry pathways. The administration has created innumerable exceptions to immigration rules, creating a “Twilight zone” that allows them to stay without fearing deportation.

Image: Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas, back when it all started. YouTube screen grab.

The lack of available information about people flooding the border means the border patrol must accept everyone’s rationale for entering as true. Anyone who arrives at the border can make a claim to live in the United States. Once having made that claim, there is a very good chance the person will be placed in the pending asylum bucket or some other twilight category.

In 2023, pending asylees have increased by more than a million, consistent with Biden’s commitment to leverage the power of the 1980 Refugee Act and uncap asylum limits, currently limited to 135,000. Even as to that, Biden plays games. He pretends he is under quota, knowing that pending asylees are not counted as refugees.

In fact, most entrants are not true asylum seekers, nor do they need protection from the state. Instead, they’ve paid cartels to bring them across the border. In 2021, cartels collected $13 billion from human trafficking. In 2018, it was only $500 million. The estimated cost to American taxpayers from this illegal trafficking is $451 billion.

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