Saturday, July 27, 2024

Polling Around the World: “Does your Government represent you, or not?”

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

This question gets to the heart of whether the Government is a democracy, or is instead a dictatorship. If the majority of people in a country say no to it, then almost by definition, that country is a dictatorship.

America and its colonies (‘allies’) argue against countries that they want to conquer, by saying that the given targeted country is a dictatorship instead of a democracy; but the only country that has been scientifically analyzed to determine whether it is a democracy has been the United States, and all of these studies have found it to be a dictatorship; so, America’s pontificating against governments it aims to “regime-change” is nothing else than aggression that is ‘justified’ by lies. Any dictatorship that tries to overthrow another country’s Government is itself the quintessential example of what it claims to detest, and so such a Government should be condemned and rejected by the entire international community, which should declare all contracts with it to be automatically null and void, and the U.N. should declare strict sanctions against such a hypocritical dictatorship.

Polish Trucker and Farmer Protests Nearing Resolution

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Ukrainian goods are flooding into the European Union through neighboring nations and undermining business. Poland-Ukraine relations have turned sour in recent months as both truckers and farmers from the former believe EU regulations are favoring Ukraine’s economy over their own. Truckers in Poland began blocking four ports of entry from Ukraine in November. Polish farmers set up a barricade at the Shehyni-Medyka crossing after temporarily allowing passage over the Christmas holiday.

Pelosi Says States Should Decide on Trump, Supreme Court Will Rule Otherwise

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Two states have removed trump from the ballot on grounds of insurrection. Illinois seeks to do the same. The Supreme Court agreed to hear the case.

Blocked From the Ballot

Please note Trump is Blocked from the GOP Primary Ballot in 2 States.

First, Colorado’s Supreme Court ruled that former President Donald Trump wasn’t eligible to run for his old job in that state. Then, Maine’s Democratic secretary of state ruled the same for her state. Who’s next?


from SGT Report:

Michael Hichborn the President of The Lepanto Institute returns to SGT Report to discuss Vatican corruption, the Chabad jew tunnels below New York City, pizzagate and the US Ponzi scheme which is stealing the futures of our progeny and corrupting everything that we as Americans hold dear. Support the effort, get the news here:

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Media Outlets Bury Revelation That Epstein Accuser Retracted Trump Allegations

by Alana Mastrangelo, Breitbart:

Media outlets buried the revelation that an accuser of the late disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein had retracted former President Donald Trump from her allegations.

On Monday, multiple media outlets ran reports of Trump having been named in the latest Epstein documents, but failed to note in the lede of their articles that the accuser had actually retracted those allegations in 2019.

U.S.’s Military Move Could Trigger WW3

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The United States is making a major military move that could result in World War 3 breaking out. As Iran continues to aid terrorists worldwide, the regime is becoming increasingly “nervous” that the conflict will broader into a global conflagration.

Ali Vaez, the Director of the Iran Project and Senior Advisor at Crisis Group, tells Daily Express US that the actions of the Houthi rebels in the Red Sea risk a wider conflict in the Middle East.

An Iranian Warship Has Entered The Red Sea As Proxies Continue Attacks

REPORT: Jeffrey Epstein’s Sex Slave Turned Accomplice ‘Missing’ Following Release of Documents

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Nadia Marcinko, the elusive former associate of the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein, has vanished from her Upper East Side home following the release of court documents related to Epstein’s scandalous activities, according to The New York Post’s recent report.

Nadia Marcinko, also known as Nada Marcinkova, is a former commercial pilot and Gulfstream Girl. Marcinko is a Slovakian-born pilot, flight instructor, and the CEO of Aviloop, an aviation website. She has three rating certificates, including various Gulfstream business jets.

7 WARS are happening right now, and America is behind them all

by S.D. Wells, Natural News:

Remember the “War on Terrorism?” What ever happened to that? Supposedly, a couple dozen years back, a bunch of illegal immigrants flew some planes into some tall buildings in New York City, except both buildings, constructed with 200,000 tons of steel, were reduced to rubble, demolition style, not to mention a third building half a mile away, that never even got “hit.” Any intelligent person would have to question the “official” narrative, and highly suspect the whole thing was staged as an “inside job” by the ever-powerful military industrial complex.

The HUNT continues. You are the DREAM TEAM, Trump Comms, Cabal exposed for J6/Hollyweird, Pray!

from And We Know:


Air Travelers Allegedly Having Biometrics Enrolled in Digi Yatra Without Consent

by Chris Burt, Activist Post:

Some security personnel and private staff at airports in India have been capturing air travelers’ face biometrics to enroll them in the Digi Yatra program without first getting their consent, The Hindu reports.

Digi Yatra is supposed to be a voluntary program for faster clearance at various airport checkpoints, utilizing biometrics instead of passports.

EXPOSED: “LONG COVID” IS A VACCINE INJURY! – Study Proves Deadly Auto-Immune Disorders Caused By Vax

from World Alternative Media:


A Nation of Non-Compliers

by Jeffrey A. Tucker, Brownstone:

The train wasn’t scheduled for another 20 minutes, so I had a chance to contemplate the official sign on the door of the huge elevator leading to the platform. It said that only four people are allowed in because we must all practice social distancing. There was a helpful map of the interior of the elevator with stick figures telling people exactly where to stand.

Yes, these stickers are still everywhere. I recall when they first went up, sometime in April 2020. They seemed oddly uniform and appeared even permanent. At the time I thought, oh, this is a huge error because within a few weeks, the error of the whole of this idiocy is going to be known by all. Sadly, my worst fears came true: it was designed to be a permanent feature of our lives.

Unrestricted | Dr. William Makis: Targeting Food Supply with mRNA Vaccines?

from The New American:


Riot Erupts at Chabad-Lubavitch Headquarters After NYPD Move to Seal Secret Tunnel Discovered Under Building

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Chaos broke out at Chabad-Lubavitch’s headquarters in Crown Heights on Monday after the NYPD moved to seal a newly discovered tunnel the Orthodox Jewish Hasidic dynasty built in secret under the synagogue.

From, Dec 22, “BREAKING: Tunnel Found Burrowed Under Women’s Section of 770, Possibly Destabilizing The Building”:

A Union Street homeowner who spoke with said that they had been hearing suspicious noises at night in their home for a period of time. As the noise continued, the concerned homeowner notified someone of the sounds and their suspicion.

The Threat Is Real And THIS Is Who’s Driving It (Ep. 2161)

from The Dan Bongino Show: