Sunday, June 16, 2024

Rumblings point to impending San Andreas earthquake – is New Madrid next?

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

“The big one” is soon to come in the state of California as scientists warn that the infamous San Andreas fault line is waking up.

Right on schedule after the second Great American Eclipse, the San Andreas, for which Hollywood movies have been made, is showing signs of an upcoming “tremor,” as Metro (United Kingdom) reported.

The tiny California town of Parkfield, which sits atop the San Andreas seismic zone, is considered the “earthquake capital of the world.” And it is there that experts say the epicenter of the next major California earthquake might occur.

HUGE! Georgia State Election Board Now Admits to Violations of Election Law in 2020 Election – Hearing on May 7 – Emerald Robinson Weighs in (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

The Georgia State Election Board admitted to violation of election law in the 2020 election.

The State Election Board admitted to this in a recent letter to investigator Joseph Rossi.

The Georgia Election Board says in their letter to Rossi, “The matter is in the violation found category.”

Here is the letter below.

Hunter Biden CC’d on Email to VP Joe Biden About Call with Ukrainian President

by Wendell Husebo, Breitbart:

A staffer for then-Vice President Joe Biden cc’d Hunter Biden on an email to Joe about a scheduled call with former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, a document released by National Archives due to a Freedom of Information Request (FOIA) shows.

EU announces provisional agreement to regulate anonymous forms of payment

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Last Monday, the Council of the European Union announced that the Council and the Parliament had struck a deal, a provisional agreement, on stricter anti-money laundering rules.  The reason for the new regulations, so they claim, is to combat “terrorist financing,” a goal which has been fast-tracked since the 7 October Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.

As well as “enhanced due diligence” for crypto-asset service providers, the new rules set an EU-wide maximum limit of €10,000 for cash payments. In addition, according to the provisional agreement, obliged entities will need to identify and verify the identity of a person who carries out an occasional transaction in cash between €3,000 and €10,000.

PSYOP-PRO-PALESTINE-STUDENT-PROTESTS: NYC Man Speaks Out Against College Protesters

from 2ndSmartestGuyintheWorld:

The anything but organic protests currently metastasizing across American college campuses is yet another example of the Ideological State Apparatus deploying ever more of their Hegelian Dialectic psyops across the most self-entitled, impressionable, and brainwashed demographic; namely, the useful idiot student.

The Weaponization of Religion: Globalist Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

from The New American:


Federal Government Warns Massive Bank Failures Looming As More Nations Join The BRICS— Special Report

from The Alex Jones Show:


FedNow Paves Way For Central Bank Digital Currency: Social Credit System Set To ENSLAVE America

from Stew Peters Network:


Weaponisation of Food Goes Into High Gear

by Stephen Karganovic, Strategic Culture:

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

Way back in the 1970s, the far-seeing genius Henry Kissinger identified food (in addition to energy) as a major mechanism that could be used to subdue recalcitrant mankind: “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.” Control of money seems to be slipping out of the hands of Dr. Henry’s cabal, and their dominion over the global energy supply seems to be evaporating as well, but they are not giving up on their trump card. That is the capacity to control and, most importantly, to catastrophically diminish the world’s food resources.

WHAT A SHAME: CNN’s Primetime Ratings Are Going DOWN as They Cover the Trump Trial 24/7

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

In recent weeks, CNN has shifted their Trump obsession to the sham Trump trial in New York. They even had hosts do an embarrassing ‘dramatic reading’ of trial transcripts that got panned on social media.

The bad news for the far left network is that it is not doing anything to help their already sagging ratings. In fact, their primetime viewership is going down.

Most Americans are far more concerned about the economy, inflation and the invasion of the southern border, but CNN doesn’t care. They need their Trump-hating fix every single day.

Another Minnesota Town Abolishes Police Department

from Moonbattery:

Because it is an election year, shrieks from Democrats that we must abolish police by defunding them have grown quieter in the face of predictably skyrocketing crime rates. But having been set in motion, the decline of local police continues:

Moose Lake is the latest Minnesota city to go without a police department, after a Wednesday City Council vote to contract with the county for law enforcement. …

CHILD KILLERS: CDC data show over 118,000 U.S. children died suddenly after covid jab rollout

by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have surreptitiously reported excess mortality data over the past three years, completely ignoring its implications. The data is made available at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEC). Founded in 1961, OEC is an intergovernmental organization with 38 member countries. The organization collects data on mortality to understand economic progress and world trade. It’s excess mortality statistics for U.S. children after the covid-19 vaccine rollout are horrific.

Supreme Court & Putin

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

This weekend, I will post my review of the Supreme Court and Tucker’s interview with Putin. Suffice it to say that a single state uses its law to remove Trump from the ballot, interfering with the federal election for everyone – that in itself is unconstitutional. How can you have a federal election if some states will not let Trump on the ballot? That is a direct assault against Democracy they claim they are protecting. Of course, they are Democrat states, and this is all about them fearing Biden would lose to a ham sandwich since it is more appealing and does not require a translation if it ever speaks. They will not even allow a choice on the Democrat ballot. We call that a dictatorship in other countries.

Clown News! Globalists at the WEF Are Coming for Your Coffee

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

More clown news from Switzerland.

Swiss banker and World Economic Forum “agenda contributor,” Hubert Keller, wants your coffee now. They want to save the climate one cup of coffee at a time.

“The coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee. So, we should all know that every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere.”