Another Minnesota Town Abolishes Police Department


from Moonbattery:

Because it is an election year, shrieks from Democrats that we must abolish police by defunding them have grown quieter in the face of predictably skyrocketing crime rates. But having been set in motion, the decline of local police continues:

Moose Lake is the latest Minnesota city to go without a police department, after a Wednesday City Council vote to contract with the county for law enforcement. …


The City Council chose to reduce the size of a five-person force last fall in order to fund the department, opting against replacing two of the officers who had resigned. Two others resigned in January, leaving one on the force.

The shortage of police officers is acute throughout Minnesota, birthplace of the Cult of George Floyd.

The entire police force resigned in Goodhue, Minn., in August. Thirty-five municipal police departments throughout the state have dissolved since 2016, according to records kept by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training.

Left-leaning authorities have made it clear that they side with criminals against the police. Officers are relentlessly demonized and even thrown in prison for doing their jobs. Mass resignations were inevitable. Recruiting suitable replacements won’t be easy.

If ever a small town needed a police force, it is Moose Lake:

The city is unusual in that it’s home to the prisoners of the Minnesota Correctional Facility and residents of the Minnesota Sex Offender Program. Together, they make up about half of the city’s population.

When liberal utopia has been achieved, criminals and perverts will make up the entire population.

On a tip from R F.

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