University Faculty and Jewish Rabbis Join Students in the Largest Anti-war Protests on U.S. Campuses Since the Vietnam War


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

In a major story that has been vastly under-reported in the U.S. media, but is now becoming headline news, anti-war student protests against the Israeli war in Gaza are continuing to increase on campuses all across the United States, something not seen on American University and College campuses since the 1970s and the anti-war protests over the Vietnam War.

U.S. media and politicians from BOTH the Republicans and Democrats continue to call these protests “antisemitic” protests, but nothing could be further from the truth.


Many of the College Campus groups who are participating in these protests are Jewish groups, with Jewish students joining these protests, which easily demonstrates the complete censoring of alternative Jewish voices in these protests, which are in fact anti-WAR protests.

Even among the faculty of these Universities, there is widespread faculty condemnation over how their students are being treated in what are largely peaceful protests, as many of the faculty members are joining their students in these protests.

Here is a non-western report from Al Jazeera giving a voice to one of these faculty members:


As of the time of this writing, Columbia University has extended their deadline for 48 hours in demanding that the encampments disband and leave, and with hundreds of students already having been arrested at campuses all across the nation, there are now grave concerns that the National Guard is going to be called into some of these campuses, which could escalate the situation.

This is exactly what happened at Kent State University and the “May 4th Massacre” in 1970, where four unarmed students were killed and 9 others wounded by the Ohio National Guard over peaceful protests against the Vietnam War. (Source.)

The Zionist Republicans continue to refer to these protests as “antisemitic,” and most Democrats agree, including President Joe Biden who has condemned the protests as “antisemitic.”

The Zionist corporate and alternative media are consistently only reporting one view of these protests, the Zionist view, using their well-funded propaganda media to try and convince Americans that all these protests are about attacking the Jewish people.

But if these protests are truly attacks against the Jewish people, and not what the protesters themselves claim it to be, which is taking a stand against war and the genocide of the Palestinian people, then what about all the Jewish people who are also taking a stand against what is happening to the Palestinian people?

Well, according the Zionists, those Jews who don’t support Zionism are also “antisemitic”, even if they are Rabbis who had relatives who died during the Holocaust.

You probably have not heard from these conservative, Orthodox Jews who are also standing with the student protesters, have you?

Here are some videos from two of these Jewish Rabbis, one who lives in New York and one who lives in the UK.

Please educate yourself and listen to what these Jewish Rabbis say so you do not fall victim to the Zionist propaganda that only presents one side.

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