Russia and Iran Lack Strategic Vision


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

The latest report is that Israel has carried out 480 air strikes on territory of the former Syria and Israeli troops are moving deeper into the country. Netanyahu claims credit for Syria’s overthrow which he said is “a historic day in the history of the Middle East.” It certainly opens up the Middle East to Greater Israel.

Israel said that Syria’s fall has isolated and weakened Iran’s position and now is the time for Israel to strike Iran’s  nuclear facilities. 


The NATO secretary-general has instructed NATO members to cut spending on social services and divert the money to military spending.  Security matters more than social welfare , said the secretary-general, and Europe must prepare to defend itself from aggressive Russia.  Of course, it is Russia that is failing to defend herself and her allies from the aggressive West.

The Russian foreign ministry again declared Ukrainian membership in NATO to be unacceptable, but Russia has given no indication of what it can do to block it.

President-elect Trump has criticized the Biden regime for the major escalation of firing missiles into Russia. But the policy of softening up Russia for negotiations is likely to continue under Trump. Now that the Russian, Iranian, and Chinese governments have demonstrated that they are unable to act even in their own interests, it will be difficult for Trump to slow the momentum toward wider war.

Russia is negotiating with HTS, the latest name for the terrorsits used by the US and Israel to overthrow Syria, for the protection of the Russian military bases in Syria.  Mikhail Bogdanov, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, said the Russian forces will play an important role in the fight against terrorism.  Apparently, Bogdanov doesn’t realize that it is the terrorist regime from whom he is asking protection for Russians.  It seems that HTS is both the “Syrian democratic opposition” and “the terrorists.”In liberating Syria they were the democratic opposition. Now that they have Syria they are terrorists, Israel’s war with which covers Israel’s annexation of Syria into Greater Israel.

Peter Ford, the former British ambassador to Syria, said that the West intends a “master-client relationship” with those who “yesterday were al-Qaeda and ISIS,” but today are the Syrian democratic opposition. “For Western powers, the optics of doing business with gangs and warlords designated as terrorist groups presents a problem. This can be got round, however, by pretending to have a ‘transition.’”

I have been wondering where tiny Israel would find the manpower to occupy Syria, Lebanon, and Greater Israel.  It looks like they are going to use the Arabs themselves, the Shia to occupy the Sunni or vice versa.

Things change fast. It was only 5 days ago that Russian foreign minister Larvrov was warning of the HTS terrorists and declared Russia will oppose attempts by the militants to alter the situation on the ground in Syria. Clearly, the Russian foreign ministry had no idea that Syria was disintegrating while Lavrov was speaking. Now Syria is in the hands of the HTS terrorists/democratic opposition. The Astana agreement that Russia supported repeated the utter folly of the Minsk Agreement and destroyed Syria. Disdaining force, Russia called for “restraint.”  Russia and Iran restrained, but not their enemies, or is it their “partners”?

“We are absolutely convinced of the inadmissibility of using terrorists like Hayat Tahrir al-Sham to achieve geopolitical goals, as is happening now with the organization of this offensive from the Idlib de-escalation zone,” Lavrov explained during a session at the Doha Forum ( source: Sputnik). Perhaps Lavrov has forgot that the Idlib de-escalation zone is a produce of Russia’s Astana agreement.

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