Sunday, June 16, 2024

Researchers have developed an airborne mRNA vaccine!

from The New American:


The Disturbing Truth About the Israel–Hamas War — Todd Callender Interview

from Man in America:


If Gen Z Cannot Handle Basic Adulthood To The Point Where They ‘Freeze In Horror’ When The Phone Rings, And Are Scared to Check Email, They Will Never Survive When SHTF

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

In December 2019, ANP published a piece about how “higher education” aka American colleges were failing, not just because students needed safe spaces, trigger warnings, and coloring books and puppies when a conservative or pro-life speaker visited the campus, but because the universities were so derelict in their duty to prepare students for life after college, they needed “adulting 101 classes” after graduating.

Between snowflake parenting, and liberal activist college professors, graduates didn’t know how to handle finances, job interviews, shopping, eating, cooking, doing laundry or using basic tools.

IRS Will Use AI to Restore Tax Fairness and Stop Tax Evasion Schemes

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Artificial Intelligence is a new tool of the IRS thanks to Inflation Reduction Act funding.

IRS Announces AI Will Restore Tax Fairness

I did not expect to be writing about AI twice today. But here we are. Reader “Mark” sent a link to this IRS announcement worth discussing.

IRS announces sweeping effort to restore fairness to tax system with Inflation Reduction Act funding

Interesting Timing: Israel Is Reportedly Getting Ready To Launch A Massive Ground Operation In Rafah “In Mid-April Or Early May”

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

An Israeli ground operation in Rafah is a “red line” for Hezbollah and Iran, and so once the IDF goes in the entire region could explode.  Of course if Israel intends to destroy Hamas, an operation in Rafah is necessary, because that it where Hamas is hiding.  Israeli officials have been telling us over and over again that there will be a ground operation in Rafah no matter what the Biden administration or anyone else thinks, and now we have a timeline.  The following is from a Times of Israel article entitled “Report: Israel preparing for Rafah ground operation in mid April or early May”


from The Salty Cracker:


Speaker Kevin McCarthy officially announces an impeachment inquiry into President Biden:

The ecosystem of food, Pharma, finance and death EXPLAINED in 5 minutes

from Health Ranger Report:


The Unraveling Ukraine Narrative Reveals the Incompetence and Corruption of Western Leadership

by Al Bienenfeld, American Thinker:

We’re learning more about the actual origins of the Ukraine war, and they reveal Western governments’ contemptible and failed leadership. The conclusion is that this remains a completely unnecessary war with the American government operating using an out-of-date Cold War mentality that benefits only the military-industrial complex. Nevertheless, most establishment Democrats and Republicans continue to support a war that NATO deliberately orchestrated. This is a war that could have and should have been avoided, yet it marches us down the path to nuclear holocaust.

OMG: Shocking footage shows trans Pentagon employee argue for repealing 2A, packing SCOTUS, abolishing electoral college, and opening the border

from Natural News:

In the newest video from James O’Keefe’s O’Keefe Media Group, a Department of Defense employee was heard saying that the Second Amendment should be repealed, only the government should have guns, and that the Supreme Court needs to be packed.

(Article by Hannah Nightingale republished from

“I think we should repeal the Second Amendment and take the guns all away,” said Jason Beck, who works in Total Force Requirements & Sourcing Policy in the office of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

MSM Warns That The “Eris” Variant is “On The Rise”

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The Eris variant, which is different than “Pirola” (the current variant the mainstream media is fear-mongering over), is “on the rise.” Eris had been classified as a variant of interest by the tyrannical agency, the World Health Organization (WHO.)

Since May 2023, the EG.5 lineage of SARS-CoV-2, known as Eris, has been spreading globally and was classified as a “Variant of Interest” by the World Health Organization (WHO) in early August. However, the cause of the increasing spread of Eris has been unclear to health tyrants. But haven’t they already told us we pass this infection amongst ourselves when we don’t mask up or social distance? Why the confusion?

mRNA COVID Vaccine Found in Breast Milk.

by Jake Welch, The National Pulse:

The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have been found to contaminate breast milk, according to a recent study published in the Lancet Discovery Science journal earlier this week.

The study – to which eight researchers and scientists contributed – asked 13 mothers to provide frozen breast milk samples both before and after mRNA vaccination, which were then analyzed by the researchers.

They found that ten of the 13 women’s breast milk carried traces of the coronavirus vaccine, although those traces were not found to be biologically active. “For lactating mothers receiving the vaccine, our results suggest that the vaccine LNPs will reach the breast tissue,” the researchers explain.

Video Revealed by Jan. 6 Defendant Raises Questions About Undercover Agents

from The Epoch Times:

The DOJ has filed opposition to the defendant’s motion, saying it has ‘no obligation to investigate’ who the men in the videos are.

Recently released Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol Police security video shows a suspected FBI special agent clapping and cheering as crowds surged up steps to the Columbus Doors and another meeting with an FBI tactical team just before it entered the Capitol after the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt.