Friday, July 26, 2024

Poll: Joe Biden Trails Donald Trump in 5 of 7 Pivotal Swing States in Hypothetical Head-to-Head

by Nick Gilberson, Breitbart:

Former President Donald Trump holds an advantage over President Joe Biden in a number of swing states — which largely decided the last two presidential elections — in a hypothetical head-to-head 2024 general election match-up, according to a comprehensive Morning Consult-Bloomberg News poll.

Trump leads with registered voters in five of the seven swing states in the poll, released Thursday, including Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Biden and Trump are deadlocked in Michigan, and Biden leads in Nevada. 

The U.S. Is Funding BOTH SIDES Of This War


by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The rulers of the United States are funding both sides of the war, once again. Head ruler Joe Biden has decided to give $100 million to Palestine as he panders to Israel and promises unwavering support for the Jewish state.

Israel and Hamas militants both blame each other for the deadly explosion at a hospital compound in Gaza that killed hundreds of innocent people. The U.S. says intelligence shows militant group Palestinian Islamic Jihad was responsible for the blast, but yet is giving them $100 million in “humanitarian assistance” to the Islamic ruling class of Palestine.

WW3 LEADS TO PANIC BUYING! – Israeli Conflict Empties Stores As Canada TARGETS Food Supply!

from World Alternative Media:


Hamas? Hezbollah? The PLO? Who’s Who in the Conflict with Israel


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

Politicians around the world are pounding war drums in the wake of the grotesque attacks upon Israel on October 7.  But the first casualty in war is truth, as they say, and maybe a better understanding of the different groups in that region, such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the PLO, will help us understand what is going on and what may happen next.

Post 9/11, there has been a tendency within the U.S. to lump various anti-Western groups together as “Islamic terrorists,” but the reality is a bit more complicated.  Let’s look at some of these groups in more detail, to determine who has been doing what in the region.

Here We Go – The IDF Is Given The “Green Light” As U.S. Forces In The Middle East Come Under Fire

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Right now, we are all witnessing some of the most pivotal moments in all of human history.  For a long time, I warned my readers that a great war would be coming to the Middle East.  In fact, I specifically warned that it would be one of “the 3 wars of the apocalypse”.  I didn’t expect the Great Middle East War to arrive quite so quickly, but here we are.  Once thousands of missiles start flying back and forth, none of our lives will ever be the same again.  We are literally watching an apocalyptic scenario play out right in front of our eyes, and it is all going to begin once Israeli forces move into Gaza.

WW3 TO BEGIN SUNDAY? – Expert WARNS Of Massive Escalation! – US To Send GROUND TROOPS!

from World Alternative Media:


Is Israel a Dress Rehearsal for the United States?

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

J.J. Carrell returns to DailyClout in an interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf to discuss the horrors of recent events in Israel, the current crisis at the border of the United States, and the increasing concern that 80,000 plus SIAs are somewhere in America.

SIAs are illegal immigrants who are terrorists or aligned with terrorists. Carrell explains that, under normal conditions, when an SIA is apprehended, everything stops. Law enforcement is notified up to the level of the FBI. The SIA is taken into custody or deported and everyone knows where he is.

Nigeria Launches Cash Transfers with Biometric ID Verification for 15M Households

by Ayang Macdonald, Activist Post:

Some Nigerians who are expected to benefit from a government cash assistance scheme aimed at cushioning the efforts of fuel subsidy removal in the country, have already had their identity verified by the competent authorities overseeing the program. The new program, announced on World Poverty Eradication Day, is based on the biometric Bank Verification Number (BVN).

Biden Debuts New Chin


from AlexandraBruce:


Farming and Prepping As a Lifestyle

by Bulldog, Survival Blog:

I have lived a prepping/survivalist lifestyle for a lifetime. I was born and raised in the Midwest to parents, who even by mid-20th century standards grew a huge garden every summer. A garden large enough to feed 6-8 large families, either selling or giving the excess to others. They canned and otherwise preserved more produce than anyone I knew at that time. In addition, we milked about 150 head of Holsteins. We were the largest dairy farm in about seven counties. Of course, all of the milk used in the household came out of the bulk milk tank. Prepping was a family affair and my paternal grandmother always willing to do her part would take my brother and I on outings in the woods at least a couple of times a year to harvest mushrooms and pick herbs. We were typically able to return from such forays each with a brown paper grocery bag full of these delicacies. Upon return, my mother and grandmother would meticulously clean, sort and cut up these mushroom and wild greens treasures in preparation for canning. For my brother and I we knew the trip would result in a large platter of fried mushrooms along with the wild greens added to the evening meal.


by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

Poor man wanna be richRich man wanna be kingAnd a king ain’t satisfied‘Til he rules everything

Badlands – Springsteen

I know Springsteen has aged into a far-left establishment shill who fell for the Covid scam, got his jabs and boosters, and is now clearly vaxx injured, as he had to cancel his world tour because of “illness”. During the covid scamdemic he made his audiences prove they were vaxxed, and then had to cancel multiple concerts because band members tested positive for covid. He and Neil Young, the anti-establishment bad boys during the early 1970’s, are now a laughing-stock to any critical thinking person who didn’t buy the government and media propaganda about a non-lethal flu bug.

IDF CHURCH MASSACRE: Ancient Orthodox Christian Church BOMBED, 40+ DEAD In Latest Israel Slaughter


from Tim Truth:


The “died suddenly” vax vs. unvaxxed statistics tell you everything you need to know

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

The vaccine advocates claim that people have been dying suddenly throughout history and it’s nothing unusual. But they aren’t telling you that nearly all the “died suddenly” were COVID vaccinated.

Executive summary

The ratio of COVID unvaxxed to vaxxed in the people who died suddenly since the rollout of the COVID vaccines is estimated to be fewer than 1 in 1,000.

A trip inside the mind of a Covid jab fanatic

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

She’s like those fabled Japanese soldiers who refused to believe World War 2 was over and wouldn’t surrender

(Keeping it light and away from the Middle East, again. You know the news is baaaad when even I can’t deal with it.)

Demand for mRNA Covid jabs has plunged. Americans have moved on from the virus.

But not every American.

Today we walk with Maggie Gordon on her quest to keep her Covid virginity intact.

Palestinians Drinking Salt Water To Survive: NEXT CRISIS: WEF To Control Global Water Supply


from Stew Peters Network: