Saturday, June 15, 2024

WAYNE ROOT: Open Border Catastrophe is the Cloward-Piven Plan to Destroy America That I Learned at Columbia University – Alongside My Classmate Barack Obama

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

This open border disaster is not a “Johnny-come-lately” story. It is a plan that was created many decades ago by leftist radicals intent on destroying America.

I should know. I was there. I am a witness.

You Can’t Keep Solving The Debt Problem with MORE Debt


by Matthew Piepenburg, Gold Switzerland:

The de-dollarization is a watershed moment.

Matthew Piepenburg shares his views in this extensive interview with Daniela Cambone of Stansberry Research, covering the FED, petrodollar and de-dollarization, banking risk and gold.

“The world’s reserve currency is not going to change.”

The U.S. dollar accounts for 60% of the global currency pool. As a result, what’s changing is the hegemony, the respect, the trust for the U.S. dollar as a payment system.

With China Already Owning The ‘Biden Crime Family’ And Huge Chunks Of America, It’s Long Past Time To Break America’s Walmart – Chinese Made Addiction By Shopping Local

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

What would happen if things went south with China?

Can it happen? Most likely yes.

In fact, Dan Crenshaw, US Congressman from Texas came out and said that an “when things escalate with China, which is seemingly inevitable at this point.” You can watch his comments here on Instagram talking about TicTok, which is a red Chinse-controlled app.

This really got me thinking about what will the US do if they can no longer get their cheap Chinese stuff from Walmart, Dollar Tree, and the like?

China’s Government Calls America’s Government an International Outlaw

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

Wang Wenbin, China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, held his regular press conference in Beijng, on May 11th, and answered a reporter’s question: “It was reported that the G7 Summit to be held in Japan will ask China to abide by international rules. Do you have any comment?” by saying that those countries are hypocritical for accusing others of violating the never-defined stock phrase of the U.S. Government “international rules.” He said:

15-Minute Cities – Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Let’s take a closer look at Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) that have been proposed for 15-minute cities. These small units are typically under 1,000 sq ft and were once considered secondary structures on an existing residential lot. Think of what we once considered “in-law suites” or guest houses. There are numerous designs for ADUs, but 15-minute cities will seek to create connected units to house as many people as possible. The exact plans for ADUs within 15-minute cities are shrouded in mystery, but we can ascertain what they have planned based on other proposed policies.

Nolte: Trump’s Glorious Town Hall Performance Might’ve Delivered the Final Killshot to CNN

by John Nolte, Breitbart:

President Trump appeared on far-left CNN for 70 minutes last night and just might have delivered the killshot to a propaganda outlet that was already taking a ten count in the ratings.

Boy, was I wrong. Mea culpa, Mr. President. Mea Culpa.

And you cannot imagine how happy I am to be so wrong. Even if Trump did well on CNN, I assumed this would still be a win for CNN. Well, it wasn’t. Instead, it was a catastrophe for the Hoax Network, which is why, right after the town hall; you could hear the tears of frustration in election meddler Jake Tapper’s voice.


from Banned Youtube Videos:


Ha! The Thought Controllers Are Panicked

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

Peter Hotez was one of the worst Covid hysterics, and made all kinds of assurances about what the shots would accomplish, even though his claims were based on zero research or evidence (and they kept changing with every interview he did).

Well, here’s what he’s saying these days:

A Banking Crisis Shouldn’t Be the Taxpayer’s Problem.

by Dennis Miller, MillerOnTheMoney:

Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, Jamie Dimon wrote shareholders about banking turmoil, “As I write this letter, the current crisis is not yet over, and even when it is behind us, there will be repercussions from it for years to come.”

IGI Global defines a banking crisis:

1. Banking crisis reflects the crisis of liquidity and insolvency of one or more banks in the financial system. Due to bank’s sizable losses, bank encounters critical liquidity shortage…disrupting its ability in repaying the debt contracts and the withdrawals demanded by depositors.

2. A subset of financial crises that are felt acutely within the banking sector…having national and international implications wherein either the given capital of the banking system is practically exhausted,…or where the cost of resolving the problems of a financial system amounts to at least 3-5% of the national Gross Domestic Product.

Banks lose billions on high-risk investments, creating a tsunami of economic problems. Private businesses fail all the time. Why is the banking system treated differently?

Narratives Lost at CNN, Lie Spies, Blinken, Immigration & Debt

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

CNN had a huge night with the President Donald Trump Town Hall event.  Trump beat down the Lying Legacy Media propaganda reporter at every turn.  It was so bad that CNN cut the ratings- getting event short by 20 minutes.  This is like running the movie “Forrest Gump” or the “Wizard of Oz” and cutting off the last 20 minutes.  It’s not about ratings.  It’s about narratives, and the Deep State lost big-time with the CNN event.

More narratives lost this week with the Biden family hiding $10 million in foreign payments for who knows what, according to the GOP.  On top of that, the Hunter Biden Laptop we were all told was Russian disinformation, but it was not.  It was true, and everybody lied about it.  Former CIA Chief John Brennan admitted in Congress it was all political.  Other former CIA officials and other spies lied to get Biden elected and not thrown in jail for treason.  We also find Secretary of State Tony Blinken was at the center of the laptop lies while he was at the CIA.  He said he was not, but emails prove he was the key player in rounding up the liars to cheat the American public about crooked Joe and bagman Hunter.

Danger Within: The Government Is Turning America Into a Constitution-Free Zone

by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:

“There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”—James Madison

How far would you really go to secure the nation’s borders in the so-called name of national security?

Would you give the government limitless amounts of money? Surround the entire country with concrete walls and barbed wire? Erect a high-tech, virtual wall of AI-powered surveillance cameras and drones that does a better job of imprisoning those within its boundaries than keeping intruders out? Empower border police to trample on the rights of anyone who crosses their path, including legal citizens?

Canada To Reinstate Vaxx Mandate: MP’s Office Caught On Tape Backing Continuation Of Covid Tyranny


from Stew Peters Network:


Senator Ron Johnson: ‘We Have Evidence Hunter Biden Paid Sex Trafficked Prostitutes And The Media Isn’t Even Looking Into It’

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

During a Tuesday interview, Senator Ron Johnson asserted that Congressional Republicans have unequivocal proof that Hunter Biden paid tens of thousands of dollars to an international sex trafficking ring for prostitutes with money given to him by his father.

“Senator Grassley and I, in our September 2020 report, laid out as much evidence as anybody would need to lay out that the Biden family is corrupt,” Johnson told Fox News, adding that it was well known “that President Biden would be highly compromised, but the corrupt media ignored it and censored it.”

Why Ending Title 42 is Key to Soros’s Master Plan to Destroy America


from Man in America:


Educator Peggy Hall blasts plan to release BILLIONS of lab-bred mosquitoes in Hawaii

by Kevin Hughes, Natural News:

Educator and freedom movement leader Peggy Hall has denounced the plan to release billions of lab-bred mosquitoes in Hawaii.

A collection of agencies and organizations working under the Birds, Not Mosquitoes partnership, plan to introduce a mosquito birth control into bird habitats to try and stop avian malaria from killing the last remaining populations of four bird species.