Thursday, May 9, 2024

Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions In the Context of Contaminated Nanometal Covid-19 Vaccines with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas

by Mark Steele, Global Research:

I write this expert report as a British engineer, inventor, patent writer and weapons research scientist; an engineer with a materials science background, and inventor of the world’s first binocular optical wave guides, weapons sight systems, infrared thermal imaging head up displays, molecular reactors, signal processing, and transducer design, to name a limited few.

As Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at the company that designed and brought to market the world’s first internationally approved head up display (HUD) product, accredited with a number of innovation awards, but more importantly regulated to a number of internationally recognized standards, including (DOT) Department of Transport ECE 22.05, as well as ANSI and others, I was relied upon in the establishment of international standards for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) HUD systems.

Alex Newman Live From COP28 Discloses Latest “Climate Scam” Plots

from AlexandraBruce:


Grinding Down Into Deflation: The National Debt Disaster No One Is Talking About

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

Several years ago I predicted that the US would ultimately be confronted with the debilitating economic conundrum of stagflation, something which the nation had not seen since the 1970s. I suggested that stagflation would become a household word again and that the majority of American concerns would revolve around rising prices coupled with stagnant wages and falling production. In 2018 in my article ‘Stagflationary Crisis: USA’s Ongoing Collapse, Understanding The Cause’ I noted:

Young Americans lead population in prepping for disaster

from WND:

4 in 10 have spent money on emergency readiness in last year

That portion of America’s population that preps for disaster often in the past has been limited to handsful of people with electric generators in their garage and basements full of dry and canned foods stacked on shelves.

In other words, a relatively small number.

Mel K & Pastor Artur Pawlowski | Going On Offense: The Lion Roars

from The Mel K Show:


Is Truth Becoming Valueless?

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

The United States in the 1940s and 1950s was a far better place than it is today. There was a homogeneous population and, thereby, far more social cohesion. Pre-puberty kids, and everyone else, were far freer than they are today. On weekend days, we disappeared all day on our bikes. There were no cell phones with which to communicate with us. We even biked at night to watch Atlanta Crackers baseball games. Our bikes were always there when the game was over, and we biked home without being captured and sold into child prostitution. Our parents had no cause to worry about us.

Startling Revelation: Only 4 to 5% of COVID Vaccine Batches Responsible for All Vaccination-Related Deaths, Yet U.S. Medicine Regulators Turn a Blind Eye!

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

An investigation of official U.S. Government data, provided by the Centers for Disease Control, has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines numerous times.

This means the deadliest batches of Covid-19 vaccine have now been identified but Medicine Regulators have refused to withdraw them and they are still being administered to the public.

The figures reveal that every single death reported as an adverse reaction to the Covid-19 injections has been caused by just 4 to 5% of the batches of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines produced.

Pornhub’s Plan To TRANS Children EXPOSED: Employee Caught Saying Trans Porn Is Good For Kids

from Stew Peters Network:


White Lung Syndrome: Experts Float Theories on What It Is, What Causes It and Does It Even Exist?

by John-Michael Dumais, Childrens Health Defense:

Regardless of what’s behind recent outbreaks of white lung disease, some medical experts said they believe public health officials are downplaying environmental stressors and ignoring the immune-degrading effects of vaccination and poor diets that make people — and especially children — more vulnerable to infections of all kinds.

Media outlets and some mainstream medical experts are sounding the alarm over reports of pediatric white lung disease (or syndrome) outbreaks. But not all medical experts agree on what’s causing the outbreaks or what they mean — or whether the condition even exists.

Who Controls The World? What Is a Jew, a Zionist, an Israeli and a Semite?

from DollarVigilante:


Alex Jones rips mask off New World Order’s ‘designed global collapse’ on Tucker Carlson’s show

by Stephen Kokx, LifeSite News:

Two men the American mainstream media have relentlessly attacked for years sat down for a riveting conversation this week to discuss the New World Order.

Bill Holter – The [CB] System Is Coming Down, Controlled Demolition, Expect Events To Drive This

from X22 Report:


When Public Distrust of the FBI Comes Home to Roost

by John Green, American Thinker:

The FBI has spent years earning our distrust.  Those leading the bureau have refused to address their obvious issues — behaving as if they were above accountability.  But violating the public trust has consequences, which they are just now learning.

In just the last eight years, the world’s “premier law enforcement agency” has been caught

Leaked New Zealand Vax Data Exposes ’10 Million Worldwide Deaths’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

The explosive secret information recently leaked by a New Zealand government whistleblower has exposed a staggering 10 million deaths around the world, a top data expert has warned.

As Slay News reported, Barry Young, a database administrator for the New Zealand government’s health department, Te Whatu Ora, went public with secret data that exposes the number of citizens who have died after receiving Covid mRNA shots.

According to the pool of data exposed by Young, 20 percent of the country’s vaccinated population has now died.