Covidian Madness Infects Alberta’s Criminal Justice System. The Truckers Movement and the Case of the “Coutts Four”


by Prof. Anthony J. Hall, Global Research:

The Coutts fiasco is emblematic of the political capture of Canada’s now mostly-dysfunctional criminal justice system. The latest “pre-trial” phase of this major scandal-in-the-making, unfolded in late July in a Lethbridge Alberta courthouse. In that courthouse a process is sporadically underway based on the government’s accusation that four men at the Coutts protest conspired to murder members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

A sharp contrast can be drawn between this case, involving murder charges where no murders took place, and the circumstances of massive media and government criminality that created the basis for the Coutts Protest, the Ottawa Truckers Convoy Movement and similar protest movements throughout the world.


Those that put effort into criminalizing people engaged in such necessary political protests to avert impending grave danger, committed criminal acts themselves. Those who protested against the launching in November 2020 of what is now exposed as a dangerous “killer vaccine”, performed a heroic public service often conducted in the face of police-state intimidation that continues to escalate until this day.

Let us recall that on the 31st of January 2022, the prime minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau addressed the nation regarding the Truckers Freedom Convoy protest movement at a Press Conference from an undisclosed location which was broadcast live. 

He portrayed the protesters as violent people, racists and more. On the 2nd of February 2022, he added another layer with a tweet. (Below, See this)

Are the protesters really what he claims them to be?

I was there for four days with my camera, I never saw or witnessed anything close to what he describes. 

Is it possible this is all made up? If it is, what is the purpose?

Video Produced by Jean François Girard

The Worldwide Covid Vaccine Program

Throughout 2023 it has become increasingly clear to those of us paying attention, that, worldwide, countless deaths and adverse events (morbidity) have resulted from the Covid-19 vaccine program campaign.

The underlying objective is to inject the global population of 8 billion people with a de facto “bioweapon” disguised as a Covid mRNA vaccine (“medical cure”). See this.

Why is it that the criminal justice system continues to ignore is the increasingly insistent demands from conscientious citizens, including many top experts in their field?

Why are we being stonewalled in our efforts aimed at getting the criminal justice system to put a stop to the purposeful onslaughts of mortality and mayhem.

The gruesome results of the Covid-19 “vaccine” are the subject of massive worldwide controversy, investigation and analysis that is being, for the most part, aggressively ignored by officialdom.

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