Covid Related News: SA court orders covid vaccine contract to be made public and US court rules manufacturer and hospitals liable for remdesivir injuries


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Results of contaminated DNA in Pfizer’s covid injections have been replicated and confirmed.  This is just one of many dangers of injecting synthetic DNA into humans.

Vaccine victims of the first bout of covid injections is being ignored while corporate media ramps up the fear to get people to roll up for another round.  The corporate media hype from the UK and USA about a new covid variant has now infected corporate media in Germany.

A high court in South Africa orders the government to make covid “vaccine” contracts and related documents public.


Families of four people who died from covid are suing EcoHealth Alliance for funding and releasing a bioweapon known to be capable of causing a worldwide pandemic.

A judge ruled in Michigan that the manufacturer of remdesivir and the hospital that used it are not protected by law if a patient is injured by its use.

Below is a collection of articles from recent days from a variety of sources.

A true account of covid in Israel:  In the imaginary world of Haklai et al. nothing ever goes wrong, as far as covid is concerned. There is no misclassification of deaths, there are no biases that distorts estimates of vaccine effectiveness, and there are no deaths due to the disruption of normal life. Too bad their data provide evidence to the contrary.  Read more HERE.

The vax-gene files; have the regulators approved a trojan horse?  Kevin McKernan’s results – for the Pfizer covid “vaccine” – have now been independently verified by a number of internationally recognised laboratories confirming both the presence and levels of DNA contamination across different vials and batches.

Levels of DNA contamination in the Pfizer BNT162b2 product came in around 18-70 times over the limits set by regulatory authorities. These levels of contamination have also been confirmed independently. Subsequent experiments suggest that most of the DNA contamination is fragmented, which is by no means benign.

We have DNA, which is mostly packaged in LNP designed to travel all over the body and enter cells, delivering it’s genetic cargo like a trojan horse. Some of this DNA may contain the SV40 promoter sequence – the one known to make a beeline to the nucleus and turn on gene expression. McKernan states an obvious concern, “If (the SV40 promoter) becomes integrated into the genome it will turn on gene expression wherever it lands. If this happens to be an oncogene (a cancer-causing gene), you’ve got problems.”

This, dear reader, is only one of the many possible adverse effects from injecting synthetic DNA into humans.  Read more HERE.

Vaccine victims with no voice: While the pharma companies and medical authorities have profited from every dose of covid “vaccine,” the injections have injured countless people irreparably and destroyed the lives they knew.  The media will not give voice to these injured whose ranks grow daily.  Here we share some of their stories. Read more HERE.

Covid mRNA vaccine injury treatment: Curcumin (turmeric) blocks spike protein (combine it with bromelain), treats myocarditis, and has anti-inflammatory, anti-ageing and anti-cancer properties. Dr. William Markis has written about mRNA vaccine treatments: NATTOKINASEQUERCETINN-Acetyl CYSTINE (NAC)OLIVE LEAFBLACK SEED/NIGELLABROMELAIN and 3-DAY FASTING.  Now he writes about curcumin.  Read more HERE.

Eris vaccine marketing hits Germany“Eris” and “Fornax” are the names given to two “subvariants” of something for which it is claimed both a new Moderna and a new Pfizer “covid vaccine” is effective against, Reuters reported on Friday. Eris is the nickname for EG.5 which WHO has labelled a “variant of interest.”

We will not be free of the virus until we are free of the vaccinators. Eris vaccine marketing via corporate media had already hit Germany on Sunday, complete with panic about a non-existent August “covid wave” ripped from British and American headlines. Despite all the obnoxious verbiage from corporate media, absolutely nothing of virological note is happening in Germany.  Read more HERE.

Landmark win in South Africa for transparency of covid contracts: Several civil society organisations fighting for transparency in the procurement of covid vaccines by the South African government celebrated on Thursday after the Gauteng Division of the High Court in Pretoria ordered that the country’s vaccine contracts and related documentation be made public.  Read more HERE.

Covid victims’ families sue Ecohealth Alliance for “funding, releasing” virus: The families of four people who died from covid are suing EcoHealth Alliance, the New York-based non-profit that was conducting gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan, China, before covid broke out across town.  According to the 2 August lawsuit filed before the New York Supreme Court in Manhattan, EcoHealth and its president, Peter Daszak, knew the virus was “capable of causing a worldwide pandemic.” Read more HERE.

Fauci successor at NIAID peddled dangerous Remdesivir drug as ‘silver bullet’ against covid: Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo tried to use unsafe antiviral intravenous drug on every covid hospitalised patient at University of Alabama at Birmingham. Prior to moving to her Government Health post, Marrazzo was the longtime director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).   In partnership with Big Pharma drugmaker Gilead, UAB played a major role in the research and development of Remdesivir.  Read more HERE.

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