Saturday, July 27, 2024

New Poisonous Jabs Are Not FDA Approved, Enjoy!

from The New American:


CNN’s Jake Tapper: Musk Should Face ‘Repercussions’ for ‘Sabotaging’ Ukrainian Attack on Crimea

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

CNN warmonger Jake Tapper on Sunday pressed Secretary of State Antony Blinken on whether or not the “capricious billionaire” Elon Musk will face “repercussions” for “sabotaging” a Ukrainian attack on Crimea.

Transcript via CNN:

TAPPER: So, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has recently confirmed a report that’s in Walter Isaacson’s new biography of Musk that, last year, Musk blocked access to his Starlink satellite network in Crimea in order to disrupt a major Ukrainian attack on the Russian navy there. In other words, Musk effectively sabotaged a military operation by Ukraine, a U.S. ally, against Russia, an aggressor country that invaded a U.S. ally. Should there be repercussions for that?

The Loudest Deceptions Provide The Greatest Evolutionary Potential

by Arjun Walia, The Pulse:

Over two decades later and the public is still being gaslit about one of the most influential global events in modern history. But this is also providing meaningful evolutionary pressure.

The 9/11 anniversary is here once again. This year I want to take a bit of a different approach to what we’ll share today.

A lot has changed over the last 15 years since I began doing my work. And while things might currently seem bleak on one end to most of us, my perspective says things are actually better than we might think – moving in the right direction you might say.

9/11 22 YEARS LATER! – Richard Gage EXPLAINS The Controlled Demolition – Will There Be JUSTICE?

from World Alternative Media:


EU Chief Boasts About Vaccine Passports, Calls For More Global Digital Collaboration – Paving The Way For Digital IDs

by Steve Watson, Summit News:

Von der Leyen audaciously proclaimed our collective future to be digital.

With an ominous call for increased global collaboration and centralization, European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen at a G20 Summit session, dubbed “One Future,” today appealed for an international regulatory body for Artificial Intelligence and digital ID systems similar to coronavirus vaccine passports.

9/11 After 22 years

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Today is the 22nd Anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon known as 9/11. A generation of 22-year olds has grown up after 9/11, and the event probably means nothing to them.  They learn that it was an attack on America like the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and 9/11 disappears into history.  It is unlikely that anyone under 40 is much concerned with 9/11.  A 40-year old today would have been 18 in 2001 and would likely dismiss 9/11 concerns as conspiracy theory.  Today’s youth are more likely to be marching in support of sexual perversion than wondering about the source and purpose of the 9/11 attack.

Behind The Deep State | Branch Covidians Unleashing Covid Tyranny Round 2

from The New American:


Ukrainian Nazi “BoneFace” threatens Laura Loomer for outing him as U.S. intel asset on social media

by Belle Carter, Natural News:

Populist commentator Laura Loomer bravely dodged all threats thrown at her by Kent “BoneFace” McLellan after she exposed the latter to be collaborating with the U.S. intel agencies.

“I am really not scared of you and you should be in prison,” she directly addressed McLellan on X, formerly Twitter. She called him a felon and further exposed him after being arrested for domestic terrorism in Florida in 2012. “You were picked up by the [Central Intelligence Agency] CIA in 2014 to join Right Sector. Felons can’t get licensed to use HAM radios,” she said pointing out that BoneFace could only get away with his actions that he is broadcasting publicly now in an effort to threaten her, is “if you’re a protected intelligence asset.”

Robert Lambourne: BIS Gold Swaps Rise 26 Tonnes as Soaring Debt Makes Price Suppression Harder

by Robert Lambourne, Gold Seek:

Active trading in gold swaps by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the central bank of the central banks, in August.

From information in the BIS’ August 31 statement of account, published this week —

— it is estimated that the volume of the bank’s gold swaps increased 26 tonnes, from 103 to 129 tonnes, in the month ending July 31.

The BIS’ gold swaps had fallen to zero as of December 31, 2022, and reached a peak for 2023 so far of 188 tonnes as of May 31.

The [WEF]/Biden Economic Agenda Has Pushed The People To Turn On Them

from X22 Report:


EU Chief Boasts About Vaccine Passports, Calls For More Global Digital Collaboration – Paving The Way For Digital IDs

by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

“The future is digital.”

With an ominous call for increased global collaboration and centralization, European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen at a G20 Summit session, dubbed “One Future,” today appealed for an international regulatory body for Artificial Intelligence and digital ID systems similar to coronavirus vaccine passports.

They said it was “safe and effective”; covid vaccine contracts with the South African government show it was a lie

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In August, a South African Court ordered the National Department of Health (“NDOH”) to release covid vaccine contracts and other related documents. At the beginning of September, the first batch of documents was released.

On Thursday 17 August 2023, the Pretoria High Court ruled in favour of the Health Justice Initiative’s (“HJI’s”) bid to compel the NDOH to provide access to all covid “vaccine” procurement contracts and other documents. The Court ordered that all covid vaccine contracts (“Part 1”) and negotiation-related documents (“Part 2”) must be made public within 10 court days of the Judgment.

“I Couldn’t Take it Anymore. I Just Couldn’t Take Standing There With Them” – Rudy Guliani Walks Out on 9-11 Ceremony After Kamala Disgraces Memory of the 2,977 Victims (VIDEO)


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Benny Johnson interviewed America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani on the 22nd Anniversary of the 9-11 Attacks on America.

On Monday Rudy Giuliani attended the anniversary ceremony at Ground Zero. Rudy, who led the city following the deadly attacks, stood out from the other failed leaders in attendance.
Via Jack Posobiec.

Dr. McCullough: Americans Would Have Been Better off if the Government Did NOTHING During COVID-19

from The Vigilant Fox:


Elon Musk, The ADL, and Why the War for Speech Is Heating Up

by Tom Luongo, Tom Luongo:

I find it utterly baffling how smart people can be so single-minded as to not see the bigger picture. Last week X/Twitter Owner Elon Musk took the Neocon/Davos war machine head on. On two critical issues Musk put himself in the line of fire.

Those issues are the use of Starlink by the Ukrainian military to gtarget civilian populations in Russia in support of their war and Musk’s intention to sue the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for damages over their campaign to control the narrative on Twitter.