Monday, June 17, 2024

FDIC Data Contradicts Fed Chair Powell: Shows Real Estate Problems Have Skyrocketed at Largest U.S. Banks, Not the Smaller Regionals

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

On Sunday, February 4, the CBS program 60 Minutes aired a taped interview with Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. The actual interview had occurred three days earlier and was conducted by 60 Minutes interviewer Scott Pelley. Two noteworthy things happened in connection with that interview: First, CBS did not indicate above the transcript of the interview that Powell’s comments had been materially shortened in the program that aired on TV; secondly, Powell calls the real estate problem at the largest banks “manageable” while shifting the more serious real estate loan problem to “smaller and regional banks.”

Out of Africa… Macron’s Belligerence Towards Russia is Compensating for Rejection of Colonialist France

from Strategic Culture:

Russian President Vladimir Putin was spot-on this week in his observation about why France’s Emmanuel Macron is strutting around and mouthing off about war in Ukraine.

Putin remarked in an interview that Macron’s wanton warmongering over Ukraine was borne out of resentment due to the spectacular loss of France’s standing in Africa. One after another, France’s former colonial countries have told Paris in no uncertain terms to get out of their internal affairs.

Actors playing roles, Do NOT FEAR, CERN, NASA, Diddy, Many EVIL ones falling… Pray!

from And We Know:


Once the WHO Gets its Pandemic Treaty, How Long Till it Declares the Next ‘Pandemic’?

by Dr Angus Dalgleish, Daily Sceptic:

I was amazed to read the obituary of Sir Anthony Epstein who died at the age of 102 last week.

He suspected that a lymphoma (cancer) named after Dennis Burkitt (who first described it) was caused by a virus and was determined to discover that virus. He received numerous specimens regularly flown in from Uganda and consistently failed to find any evidence until a flight was seriously delayed and the specimens when they finally arrived all looked cloudy.

If you watch the “wrong” things on YouTube, the Feds could demand that Google reveal your identity

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Privacy experts are sounding the alarm about two recent court orders that allowed the federal government to order Google to release private information about users who watched certain unapproved videos and livestreams on YouTube.

According to the orders, the feds demanded information on all viewers of select YouTube videos that Washington says involve criminal activity like the selling of Bitcoin for cash.

Undercover agents spoke with an account called “elonmuskwhm” whom they suspect is breaking money laundering laws around the unlicensed transmitting of money, sending the account links to YouTube tutorials for mapping via drones and augmented reality software. After doing this, the feds petitioned Google for information about everyone who watched the videos, which collectively amassed 30,000 views.

Russia doubles down on claims Ukraine was behind Moscow attack, slams U.S. for blaming ISIS

by Cassie B., Natural News:

In an interview with Russian state-run media, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova insisted that the Ukrainian government or its Western allies were somehow behind the terrorist attack that took place last week at a concert in Crocus City Hall near Moscow.

During the attack, gunmen entered the venue and opened fire before setting it ablaze. At least 140 people have died so far, and hundreds more are injured and missing. An affiliate of ISIS took responsibility in the aftermath of the attack, with social media channels linked to the terrorist group posting graphic videos of the mass killing.

Top U.S. Intelligence Agency Brainwashes Personnel with ‘Gender Unicorn’ and ‘Transgender Terminology’

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

In the latest instance of LGBT’s corrosive influence on American society, the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) is offering “LGBTQIA + ally training” to its personnel, including the “gender unicorn” and “transgender terminology index.”

The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project discovered this training by filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. They found that DCSA personnel is being indoctrinated for “inclusion and diversity” to learn “basic concepts” like “sex is biological” and “gender is a social construct.”

Putin ‘convinced’ Biden is ‘not running the country’

from WND:

‘It’s plain for anyone to see for themselves’

Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an interview with first-strike journalist Tucker Carlson, says his sources have revealed to him that Joe Biden is “not running the country.”

Biden’s policies since he’s been in office have portrayed America as a weak, vacillating nation blown back and forth by the winds of social ideologies that’s he’s emphasized.

Anti-white Agenda Will Lead to Property Confiscation

by Paul Dragu, The New American:

“Civil rights” groups are demanding the Francis Scott Key Bridge be renamed once it’s rebuilt because it honors someone who held slaves. This aligns with the broader anti-white narrative that’s been sown into the public consciousness to create division and fuel hate. Former Trump-era Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Interior Jeremy Carl recently published a book detailing how the esoteric forces behind this anti-white agenda are using reparations and “land acknowledgments” as vehicles designed to ultimately lead to the confiscation of whites’ property.


from The Red Elephants:


Supreme Court to Hear Case That Could Release J6ers

by Rebecca Terrell, The New American:

Is the tide beginning to turn on President Biden’s weaponized Department of Justice (DOJ) and its persecution of J6ers?

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court dealt a death blow to various states’ attempts to remove Donald Trump from their 2024 ballots. In Trump vs. Anderson, the State of Colorado had accused Trump without evidence of participating in an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021.

SCOTUS disappointed Trump’s political enemies, too, when it agreed late last month to review lower-court rulings that rejected his claims of presidential immunity from criminal prosecution. They’ll hear oral arguments in that case on April 22, about the same time that the DOJ had hoped to be convicting the former president.


from The Salty Cracker:



by Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards, The Highwire:

Distinguished gastroenterologist Dr. Sabine Hazan spoke at U.S. Senator Ron Johnson’s (R-WI) recent roundtable discussion titled “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” Listed as a speaker to examine “Corruption of Medical Research and Federal Health Agencies,” Dr. Hazen shared eye-opening details regarding how her groundbreaking findings on how COVID-19 vaccines wreaked havoc on the gut microbiome were censured and silenced. Likewise, she shared how her research emphasizing the efficacy of specific treatments like hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and Ivermectin against COVID-19 was also swept under the rug.