Sunday, September 1, 2024

Gold’s About To Have Its Day: Jim Grant Warns No One’s Prepared For “Higher Yields For Much, Much, Much Longer”

from ZeroHedge:

The world is experiencing a historic surge in interest rates. Jim Grant, editor of «Grant’s Interest Rate Observer», believes the turmoil could be the beginning of a multi-decade bear market in bonds.

In this in-depth interview, he explains what the risks are – and where opportunities arise.

Now That Israel Has Entered Gaza, All Eyes Are On Hezbollah, Iran And Turkey

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

Now we are going to find out who was bluffing and who was not bluffing.  Israeli troops have gone into Gaza, and we are being told that this is a war that could last for months.  Of course it could easily last a lot longer than that.  If the stated goal is to eliminate Hamas, that certainly won’t be easy.  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is calling this a second war of independence, and he just told the world that “Never Again is now”

WHO Declares Global Disinformation Crisis: “We Must Lock Up Conspiracy Theorists”

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged governments to declare a “global disinformation emergency” and begin locking up people who spread non-mainstream opinions online.

Over 200 health journals funded by the WHO called on the United Nations’ global health body to declare martial law worldwide due to the ongoing threat of alternative news. They also urged government’s to impose strict new lockdowns due to the ongoing threat of so-called “global boiling.”


from The Last American Vagabond:



from Jason Liosatos:


The New Normal Is Coming To A Store Near You – Products Locked Behind Plexiglass, & A 40 Minute Wait To Buy Toothpaste, All Because Cities Run By Democrats Are Soft-On-Crime

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Would you spend the better part of an hour at a store waiting for an employee to come unlock the glass barrier between you and your favorite brand of toothpaste? Toothbrush? Vitamins? Let’s me ask another question instead of naming individual products.

What product from Walgreens, Walmart, Target or your favorite drug store, would you be willing to wait 20 or 40 minutes for an employee to mosey on over, unlock the plexiglass cage, before moving to the next aisle, just to kick back and wait again for the next product?

This is the new normal for people in parts of California, New York, New Jersey and other high crime cities and states.

Secret Plan For World Socialist Dictatorship EXPOSED

from The Alex Jones Show:


Israel is “Expanding” Its Ground Invasion of Gaza

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

In what is being called a “new phase of the war”, the Israeli military has expanded its ground invasion of Gaza. Additionally, Israel is ramping up its bombardment of the Strip, targeting what the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said were Hamas tunnels and other infrastructure.

“All of my friends living abroad are asking me about their families if they are okay,” journalist Hind al-Khudary, one of the few people who was able to post on social media intermittently, said on X. “I do not know if my own family is okay.. I can’t reach anyone. My heart is scattered into pieces,” he said according to a report by Axios.

There Is No Legitimate Role for Any Government or Rule

by Gary D. Barnett, Lew Rockwell:

“Government is for slaves; free men govern themselves.”

Albert Parsons, Autobiography

Recently I wrote about a “World Gone Mad,” and I now understand that my title was a gross understatement. Madness indicates psychotic behavior, but what is going on today, while most assuredly psychotic, is also intentional, completely planned, and being implemented with full consciousness by evil forces. To make matters worse, the pathetic masses are taking sides, fomenting hate, supporting their chosen masters, and tearing apart all that is right; thus allowing this insane tyranny and carnage to continue unabated. If one was to step aside, and take stock of this insanity, he would at once be faced with the reality of the heinous agendas being pursued, but few are willing to take that step. Most all continue to look toward the complicit and abhorrent State to save them from the premeditated and monstrous policies being pursued by all governments at the behest of their controlling overlords.

Assange Approaches Five Years Of Incarceration Without Trial

from Activist Post:

(People’s Dispatch) Famed publisher and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is approaching five years of imprisonment without conviction for his role in exposing information regarding war crimes committed by the United States government. Currently held in a small cell within London’s high-security Belmarsh Prison—once referred to by the BBC as the British Guantanamo Bay—Assange and his supporters are endlessly fighting the British courts’ decision to allow his extradition to the United States.

Episode 3135: Elite Focusing Attention On The New Forever War

from Bannons War Room:


COVID mRNA Vaccine-induced Fever Unmasks Deadly Brugada Syndrome

by Dr. Peter McCullough, Global Research:

Brugada syndrome is a rare but potentially life-threatening inherited disease that predisposes patients to fatal cardiac arrhythmias. The syndrome is characterized by the ECG findings of a right bundle branch block and ST-segment elevations in the right precordial leads (V1-V3). More than 400 mutations in the cardiac SCN5A gene have been identified in people with Brugada syndrome, which is characterized by risk of cardiac arrest, particularly in the setting of fever.

Uncensored: Israel Was An Inside Job? Alan Hashem DESTROYS the Narrative, Calls For Unity

from Stew Peters Network:


Elon Musk Announces Starlink Will Service International Aid Orgs in Gaza After Israel Severs All Telecommunications [UPDATE]

by Chris Menahan, Global Research:

In the wake of Israel severing all telecommunications in Gaza through a relentless bombing campaign, X owner Elon Musk announced that Starlink will support connectivity to internationally recognized aid organizations in the besieged strip.

“Starlink will support connectivity to internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza,” Musk said. “We will support the UN and other internationally recognized aid groups.”

CRITICAL INTEL: Patrick Byrne Exposes the NWO Color Revolution

from The Alex Jones Show: