Terrorist State Of Israel Just Blew Up The International Diplomatic Order—FOREVER!


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: What the rogue terrorist state of Israel just did is so beyond the beyond it’s difficult to explain the far-reaching repercussions and huge ramifications concerning the world order status quo.  Not that the Zionist nation had to prove that it was a reckless pariah state of the highest order, capable of carrying out any act of terrorism whatsoever, anytime, anywhere.  These people are simply not human, and certainly of the lowest form of demonic entities ever to inhabit the Earth.

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However, the real problem that the satanic cabal in Tel Aviv just created is this: The crazed Zionists have likely triggered what may be the initial stages of the hot phase of World War III with this exceedingly savage war crime in Syria as described below. Little do the Khazarian barbarians who rule the apartheid State of Israel know that Iran currently possesses the most advanced drone weaponry technology on the planet. And, that they now have missile capability far beyond what has been publicly released. Not only that, but Hezbollah has been continuously armed with various types of weaponry which, when unleashed, will make virtually all of northern Israel uninhabitable.

The upshot of this discussion is that Iran, Hezbollah and Syria could turn Tel Aviv into a parking lot if they really wanted to. They could certainly terrorize much of Israel with random and sporadic attacks just like the IDF does daily throughout Syria. Now that Israel’s Khazarian Mafia has irreversibly alienated both Russia and China, they will also have to contend with the blowback from them as each cuts an increasingly larger profile in the Middle East.

Where it concerns Israel’s relationship with both the United States and United Kingdom, there can be only one conclusion at this point, especially after Netanyahu indignantly canceled his trip to the U.S. That between now and the POTUS election, Israel is on its own. Biden has already lost ALL of his pro-Palestinian base and will lose many more pro-peace liberals over the next 7 months. He has also forever lost the many antiwar Democrats because of Israel’s hideous mass murder of tens of thousands of innocent women and children, elderly and infirm throughout Gaza.
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