GREAT RESET ALERT! It’s gonna get ugly even for the billionaires.


from State Of The Nation:

How the financial engineers built the Global Gambling Casino so that when…..
…the biggest Ponzi scheme in world history
crashes and burns, you will no longer own
your financial assets.

The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation Goes Rogue—TOTALLY ROGUE!

SOTN Editor’s Note: What follows is perhaps the single most important exposé on the Internet today for those who want to protect their assets before the Great Reset kicks into high gear.  Because, after the point of no return, there will be no recourse for those who are heavily invested in certain financial markets.

These bombshell disclosures specifically concern the DTCC or Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, which is actually the best kept secret in America.  That’s because unconscionable laws have been passed by Congress, as rules and regulation have been set by governing boards, to literally steal the assets of the legitimate owners across various asset classes.  And, here’s how the perps can legally get away with it all.

You Will Be Ripped Off In Biggest Financial Scam Ever
(Unless you prepare in advance)

In point of fact, the legal framework and financial structure have been stealthily put into place over decades which permit the DTCC to effectively misappropriate all assets and financial instruments which fall under the jurisdiction of this extremely shady and kleptocratic holding company.

Even very few of America’s financial elites are aware of the fact that this highly predatory and plunderous entity was quite purposefully established in 1973 as The Depository Trust Company (DTC) with a very nefarious agenda.  The DTC was then transformed into the DTCC, “an American post-trade financial services company providing clearing and settlement services to the financial markets. It performs the exchange of securities on behalf of buyers and sellers and functions as a central securities depository by providing central custody of securities”.  That, there, is the key statement: “providing central custody of securities”.  Remember, “possession is 9/10 of the law”.

However, what those elites really don’t know about are the very special powers and unique authorities that the DTCC possesses throughout the entire financial realm, especially concerning the order of debt priority after bankruptcy.  Hence, even the billionaires will get ripped off — BIG TIME — should the Great Reset proceed as planned: As the greatest organized theft in recorded history.
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