Planned Parenthood’s Ex-Nazi Pedophile Affiliate


by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage Mag:

Only a week after taking office, Biden rushed to repeal the ‘Mexico City Policy’ which banned foreign aid from going to abortion groups, stating that this would “support women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health”.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) celebrated the resumption of cash. IPPF had lost an estimated $100 million due to the foreign abortion group funding ban and complained that, “53 healthcare projects in 32 countries were impacted… with some Member Associations losing up to 60% of their funding.”


It is unknown whether that included Pro Familia: Germany’s IPPF affiliate. In 2020, the State Department had cited Pro Familia in its human rights report despite its ugly history of pedophilia or the fact that it had been founded by a racial eugenicist who had served the Nazis.

In 2013, the UPI wire service had noted that “Pro Familia, Germany’s leading family planning group, published articles years ago that appeared to advocate for pedophilia.” The former chair of Pro Familia had been a member of the board of trustees of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Humane Sexualität (AHS): a pedophile organization which advocated for “consensual” sex with children.

Pro Familia’s magazine published materials defending and normalizing pedophilia including from Rüdiger Lautmann, a German sociologist whose “Die Lust am Kind” (The Lust for a Child) is popular among pedophiles. Lautmann had complained about the “the misery of a forbidden love” and challenged the idea that “the small person is damaged” during sexual abuse.

“I believe that pedophiles – or more accurately, those whom we questioned – do expend a great deal of effort to obtain the child’s consent, and also, take ‘no’ seriously,” Lautmann argued.

“It would be a crass error, and downright heterosexist, to see pedophilia as failure and shortcoming relative to adult sexuality. What we have here is not a deficient but rather a differently-configured sexuality,” he contended in another chapter.

Last year it was revealed that Lautmann was on the board of an LGBTQ kindergarten in Berlin which had been formed to teach children about the sexual identity movements.

In 2013, Pro Familia claimed that it had put all the ugly pedophilia behind it, but it had made similar claims in 1998 only to continue running Lautmann’s articles. Pro Familia’s chairwoman however claimed that she took the allegations very seriously and that pedophilia would have no place within the organization.

Now parents were outraged after a day care center announced “body exploration rooms” where children would be encouraged to undress and “pet and examine each other”.

“All children, especially preschoolers, are aware of the places in the facility where nudity and body exploration can take place,” a day care center associated with one of the country’s largest worker organizations announced. “Each child decides for themselves whether and with whom they want to play physical and sexual games.”

According to one father, “there was a so-called children’s space where the children were allowed to play unsupervised. The windows were darkened for this. I can’t imagine what happened there.”

The premise for such an idea had allegedly come from Pro Familia’s magazine. A Pro Familia sex ed expert then appeared to defend the concept. A guide from Pro Familia titled “hands in pants” depicts a young boy in that position and argues that “child sexuality” pursues “maximum pleasure” and describes “children imitating sexual intercourse” which, according to the guide, should not concern adults because “both are happy to be involved in this game”.

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