The Trump Trial Farce Will Only Make Him Stronger


by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:

There is little point in analyzing the bogus New York case against Donald Trump from a legal perspective because, of course, it’s not a legal matter. It’s a political matter. It’s a kangaroo court, an attempt to railroad a political opponent to keep him from winning the election against the desiccated, treacherous, corrupt old pervert whom he’s currently pummeling in the polls. But the legal realities are catching up to the people seeking to frame him. This isn’t a case. It’s a scam. A lie. A sham. And a disgrace, not that anything can be a disgrace in a system so free of any moral or ethical considerations.


I would explain what the case is about legally if it was really about anything legally. I don’t actually understand the theory because there really isn’t one. They don’t need one because, as I said, this isn’t a legal matter. The Soros district attorney, who ran on a platform of finding something, anything, to prosecute Donald Trump for, hasn’t bothered to make it clear either. Why should he? The Democrat-donating judge, who should’ve recused himself based on his own manifest political bias and his daughter’s as well – she’s a Democrat operative — won’t insist that the DA do so. This judge seems focused on ensuring a conviction. He should have dismissed this case. Yeah, we hear a lot about Our Democracy and the Rule of Law, but it’s all a lie. You need to understand that.

The whole idea is to give Joe Biden the opportunity to call Donald Trump a convicted felon, so it’s the problem for them that no one actually believes it’s a real conviction. They know the verdict will eventually be thrown out on appeal by some court at some level that will do its job, as opposed to fluffing Democrat fantasies about imprisoning their political opponents. All they want is to get that conviction before the election. The actual law stuff? That doesn’t matter. It never did.

What’s glorious about it is how it doesn’t seem to be working. Everybody sees what’s going on here. That’s why nobody cares what this judge and jury decree. Conviction schmiviction, all about the Trump Train.

Other people have taken the case seriously enough to try to figure it out and explain what the theory is. Andrew McCarthy’s writings have been notably good on it, and he is certainly no fan of Donald Trump. Apparently, the legal theory is that Trump falsified business records. However, he didn’t actually do any of the falsification. The records weren’t actually false, and it’s all past the statute of limitations. Maybe this was to somehow obscure a campaign contribution in violation of federal law election law, except it wasn’t in violation of federal election law and the Manhattan DA can’t prosecute federal election law anyway, and why even bother going on? The case is nonsense. It’s a joke. No one else has ever been prosecuted for something like this. No one would ever expect to be prosecuted for something like this. If you’re not aware that what you’re doing is a crime – especially when what you’re doing is not a crime – then you shouldn’t be charged with it. But that kind of fussiness gets in the way of prosecuting your political enemies.

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