Massive 2020 Vote Fraud Was Never Addressed Before Trump’s Indictment


by Patrick J. McShay, State Of The Nation:

“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”
— Joe Biden  On the campaign trail in 2019

While former president Donald Trump continues to be harassed, and is now criminally charged for saying the 2020 election was rigged for Biden, new evidence continues to emerge that proves him right. If the public was aware of this evidence it would change the way the public sees the election, but the truth is, the criminal and complicit media refuses to cover these revelations.


A case in point is the bombshell revelation last week reported by, that an investigation into a Michigan company called GBI Strategies, run by Gary Bell, was paid over $11 million to register Democrat voters by a dark money PAC called BlackPAC which generated over $44 million.

Like the infamous Acorn Group, a Democrat-funded operation that was implicated in a fraudulent voter registration operation during the Obama years, or the George Soros-funded ERIC registration system that is supposed to clean up voter rolls but Soros has pushed voter registration changes nationally to help Democrats. GBI Strategies, which operated in 20 states in 2020, including the swing states, appears to be just as corrupt.

A Muskegon Michigan clerk alerted police after a woman from GBI Strategies brought in 8,000-10,000 registrations that were proven to be fraudulent with bogus addresses, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, and signatures. Another problem was they all appeared to be filled out by the same person.

An investigation ensued that led them to a GBI facility where they found thousands more fraudulent registration forms, guns with silencers, burner cell phones, and prepaid debit cards. No one was ever arrested, why? Was it shut down by corrupt Michigan Governor Whitmer who, no doubt benefitted from this corruption?

Like most of the states, Michigan changed a number of its election laws prior to the 2020 election, and in some cases where they couldn’t get them changed, they simply ignored them.

Michigan was flooded with millions of ballots and some residents received up to 5 ballots, many of which were sent from other states. One Muskegon municipality, Dalton County, confirmed that 795 ballots were sent out, but surprisingly 2760 were returned. This difference of 1875 votes was counted.

There are 136,300 people of voting age in Muskegon County and the number of people that register to vote in that county is typically 85%, leaving around 115,800 registered voters. But the county had 32,000 more registrations than expected, and 11000 more than the adult population of the entire county. That’s what you call an aggressive registration program or blatant in-your-face vote fraud.

Don’t forget, Trump had massive leads in all of the swing states before counting was stopped at around 11 pm on election night, but Trump wasn’t alone. Many down-ballot Republicans also enjoyed sizable leads when the counting stopped. Charles Payne from Fox Business said at the time, “What’s really confusing is the refusal to call the races that President Trump has sizable leads in with over 90% of the vote counted”.

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