from State Of The Nation:

A Khazarian-Directed Black Op and Cultural Marxist Psyop……

Can there be any doubt that the egregiously WOKE Biden Administration was purposefully installed by the ever-treacherous Khazarian Cabal for at least these two reasons?

Designed to Collapse the American Republic and Forever Destroy these Once United States of America


First and foremost, to irreparably damage America’s reputation throughout the world community of nations.  The Chief Clownster Joe Biden and clown sidekick Kamala Harris have both succeeded in totally demolishing any standing that the USA once had in the realm of international affairs.  No one likes US anymore, and everyone hates US today … even our ‘friends’ who were our friends only because we forced them to be our ‘friends’.

Secondly, to profoundly undermine the trust and confidence and faith of the American people in the U.S. Federal Government.  Wokester-In-Chief Biden has even pushed many life-long Democrats out of his own party–for good.  However, the resulting state of affairs, marked by unparalleled chaos, confusion and conflict nationwide, has created an irreversible predicament that only gets worse—all by Khazarian design


It’s of paramount importance to understand that all of this has befallen the Republic because the “barbarians are inside the gate”, as they have been since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

In fact, the very same tribe of exceedingly dangerous and ruthless barbarians are responsible for the past 100 plus years of world war and manmade cataclysms, financial breakdowns and economic depressions, global pandemics and regional epidemics, etc.  As follows:

The World Wars And All Other Cataclysmic Events
Were Carried Out By THE TRIAD

What’s the critical point?

If the USA falls, everything changes in a New York minute.  And, not for the better.

Yes, it all needs to implode so we can start fresh, but who’s in charge after the collapse will obviously dictate the future of this nation.  Hence, it’s crucial for every conservative state to be prepared to secede if the Democrats steal 2024 as they plan to.  Which means all Patriots need to be ready to be where they are most needed in 2025.

Biden Crime Family psyop

Isn’t this where we are at this very moment in the lead-up to the 2024 POTUS election?

That Joe Biden is even a candidate for POTUS so profoundly degrades the fabric of American political life that it can never be fixed.  Which is exactly the reason why his Khazarian masters put him there.  And, why his Khazarian handlers let him do any stupid and foolish and juvenile thing he wants to do. (The same tribe ran the Khazarian comedian-infiltrated Borscht Belt for over 70 years so they know exactly how to do this.)

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