Deagel Report’s Numbers For 2025 America Were No ‘Conspiracy Theory’ – Cities Turning Into 3rd World Nations As Zombified Druggies Rule The Streets & Globalists Wage War On Americans


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

While joe biden and Democrats continue to wage war upon US Veterans, American citizens nationwide, both men and women, and women in particular, bussing in illegal aliens to take the ‘homes‘ of homeless US Veterans while treating criminals as a ‘protected class, and as Susan Duclos perfectly summed up in this new ANP story, waging all-out-war on REAL women, Americans are fleeing Democrat-run cities in droves according to this new story at the Daily Mail, completely fed up with rampant crime and homelessness and drug addicts doing drugs on the streets, threatening their livelihoods and their lives.


With massive homeless encampments taking over liberal-run cities like Portland and Los Angeles and Philadelphia and elsewhere while people are openly defecating on the streets in San Francisco, leading to hundreds of residents and businesses fleeing those areas and many other liberal hellholes en masse, we can only hope those fleeing have learned from the mistakes made in those cities and not continue to vote in democrats in their new homes, who’ll continue to spread their deadly policies. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

With angry and frustrated residents describing soaring violence, daylight drug use and no response by police officers due to cuts, with furious residents and business owners accusing city leaders of turning a blind eye to the crisis and not addressing the long-term issueswhat we’re seeing in those cities is a loud siren call to the rest of America of what lays ahead for all of us if we continue down the same path we’re on, with illegal immigrants now flooding into the country in record numbers and being given homes paid for by the American taxpayer, continuously aided by the biden administration’s war upon America.

With the ‘global elite‘ loving all of these illegal immigrants flooding into the country, bringing them ‘cheap labor,‘ if we think what we’ve seen so far is bad, the truth of the matter is, we haven’t seen half the problem yet. As this May 15th story over at the Daily Mail reports, a new scourge striking Democrat-run cities from the East coast to the West is the rapid spread of a drug called ‘tranq,‘ better known as the ‘zombie drug,’ complete with its ability to eat off human flesh, leaving its users with rotting skin, quite literally stumbling around the city streets completely hunched over and spaced out as seen in the photograph above and the final video at the bottom of this story.

And with government officials in L.A. saying they can’t ban the drug because its totally legal, we’re watching just the latest sign of the destruction of America being played out before our eyes, with government’s doing nothing about it because it fits their plans perfectly, and taxpayers in California actually funding the ongoing carnage to the tune of over $20 million+. From this Daily Mail story before we continue.:

Los Angeles officials are trying to stop the spread of the flesh-eating drug xylazine that has taken over the city. 

The ‘zombie drug’, a veterinary tranquilizer approved in the US for cows and horses, is now flooding the illicit US drug market, with dealers often cutting it with cocaine and heroin. 

But it is most often used to cut fentanyl, the lethally potent synthetic opioid that already kills tens of thousands of Americans every year.

Nurses have described the wounds caused by xylazine as appearing as though something is ‘eating away your flesh from the inside out’…. 

Various liberal politicians and city leaders have attempted to implement numerous policies to curb the many issues that have arisen due to the swelling homeless and drug-addicted population. 

One specific harm reduction policy that failed was the opening of the Tenderloin Center in San Francisco last year – a facility that was meant to help alleviate the city’s drug and homelessness crisis. 

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