by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:
– Beware A Brutal Terror Attack By ‘The Invaders’ That Triggers Martial Law
With 2024 unfolding quickly as we race full speed ahead into the third month of the year while it seems like it was only yesterday when 2023 expired and our new year began, we’re now only 8 months away from what pundits on both sides of the political aisle have called ‘the most important election of America’s lifetime.’
With politicians and pundits from the left crying out loud “If Trump wins, it’ll be the end of Democracy” while the rest of us have noticed “the left” themselves are trying to cement into history their own permanent coup over America in favor of a tyrannical global government that began long ago but was kicked into high gear with the election theft of 2020, its critical to remember that ‘the rule of law’ as we’ve long known it is no longer taken into consideration by the ‘globalist-left-neocon’ hate machine, and that they’ll do ‘whatever is necessary’ to hold on to power in 2024, even if that means totally burning down America in the process.