Saturday, May 4, 2024

‘YOU BETTER HAVE A PLAN’: Dr. Phil Urges People to Prepare Their Resistance Against The Next Lockdowns

by Ben Kew, The Gateway Pundit:

Dr. Phil McGraw has urged people to plan their resistance against the next time the government attempts to lock down the civilian population.

Addressing the audience on his eponymous show, McGraw explained how he had been demonized for his stance against the tyrannical COVID lockdowns but has since been proven right.

Now, McGraw is urging people to prepare for the next time governments attempt to shut the schools and place an entire population under house arrest:

Documents from Germany’s public health agency reveal the decision to “lockdown” was political

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

On 17 March 2020, at the beginning of the covid hysteria, the Robert Koch Institute (“RKI”) changed its risk assessment from “moderate” to “high” overnight. Five days later, on 22 March, public life in Germany came to a standstill.

The RKI is Germany’s government agency public health agency responsible for disease control and prevention. Documents relating to its crisis team’s proceedings were previously regarded as confidential. However, investigative journalists from the magazine Multipolar submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to find out what information the RKI had when they made their decisions.

Newly discovered emails… Ecohealth’s Peter Daszak: “we have 15,000 samples in freezers in Wuhan”

More Bird Flu Detected in Texas, Michigan

by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

Avian influenza, also known as bird flu, has been detected in chickens in Texas and Michigan, amidst mounting fears over possible supply chain disruptions.

Cal-Maine Foods, the nation’s largest producer of fresh eggs, has halted production in one Texas facility after the virus was found. It has ordered the culling of 1.6 million hens and 337,000 chicks, which equates to 3.6 percent of its total flock.