The U.S. has the world’s most insincere Government.


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

It pretends to be a democracy and a republic, but it actually represents only the richest .1% of the richest 1% — the richest hundred-thousandth — of Americans, and this has been empirically (i.e., scientifically) proven by all of the scientific analyses of the truth or falsehood of that cardinal claim (to being a democracy). So, the U.S. Government is actually an aristocracy (one-dollar-one vote, just like a corporation is, that’s one-share-one-vote), not at all a democracy (a one-person-one-vote Government). The claim that the U.S. regime uses in order to ‘justify’ its attacking, invading, issuing its own illegal sanctions against, and otherwise seeking to “regime-change,” other Governments (such as in Iran 1954, Guatemala 1954, Chile 1973, Iraq 2003, Libya 2011, and at least 60 other U.S.-overthrown-and-replaced Governments after 1945, many of which had been democratically elected but all of which were replaced by fascist regimes that the U.S. regime itself installed) is that the U.S. Government is a democracy. No other Government in the entire world is so hypocritical as to use the lie that it is a democracy as being a ‘justification’ for its overthrowing and replacing (by fascist regimes, no less) any Government that it, in its sheer arrogance, chooses to “regime-change.” Even Hitler wasn’t that insincere: he, instead, condemned, and publicly despised, democracy. The U.S. regime isn’t as honestly despicable.


Here are merely a few typical examples of the U.S. regime’s Government-overthrow operations, displaying the U.S. Government’s aristocratic character:

The October 1965 through March 1966 Indonesian government extermination of anywhere from 500,000 to two million Indonesian supporters of communism and of any other left-wing (each and every left-of-center) political party — including supporters of Indonesia’s leader, General Sukarno, who had some leftist supporters — was probably masterminded, ordered, by U.S. President Lyndon Johnson, on behalf of the owners of the mega-corporations who were backing the U.S. Democratic Party and Republican Party. Certainly, LBJ was behind this ‘ethnic cleansing’, even well before it began. As early as March 1965, Johnson’s people were privately vitriolic against Sukarno, who was making noises about land-reform and possibly nationalizing natural resources. (After all: how else can an agrarian aristocracy otherwise be disempowered? And how else can it become replaced by a democracy?) For example, on 18 March 1965, “118. Memorandum From the Under Secretary of State (Ball) to President Johnson” opened: “Our relations with Indonesia are on the verge of falling apart. Sukarno is turning more and more toward the Communist PKI. The Army, which has been the traditional countervailing force, has its own problems of internal cohesion. Within the past few days the situation has grown increasingly more ominous. Not only has the management of the American rubber plants been taken over, but there are dangers of an imminent seizure of the American oil companies.” The coup started on 1 October 1965; General Suharto was installed to replace Sukarno, and promptly began the extermination-campaign. But he didn’t know whom to slaughter; so, as one excellent review of Vincent Bevins’s excellent book about the slaughters, The Jakarta Method: Washington’s Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World, succinctly put the matter, “The US provided arms, training, communication equipment and lists of thousands of real and alleged leftists to be killed. US-owned plantations furnished lists of ‘troublesome’ employees. US officials repeatedly sent cables to the leader of the butchery, General Suharto, to kill the leftists faster.” Other fine reviews of this book are here and here. However, like the other books that have been published about that extermination-campaign, Bevins’s focus isn’t on the masterminds who planned and bribed to get it done (its beneficiaries), but instead on the physical perpetrators and their victims. The coup-and-extermination’s ultimate beneficiaries aren’t named, nor identified. The U.S. did that in conjunction with other members of the American gang, mainly in Europe. The Judge in the International People’s Tribunal stated that “the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Australia were all complicit to differing degrees in the commission of these crimes against humanity.” It was, in fact, a Rhodesist operation, done for the U.S.-and-allied (especially Netherlands) aristocracies.

Now, in the post-Soviet era, the U.S. Government’s ultimate aim has been to get its nuclear-warheaded missiles placed into the closest nation of all to Moscow, which is Ukraine (just 300 miles away from The Kremlin), so as to be able to decapitate Russia’s central command there, by a blitz five-minute nuclear missile strike, after getting Ukraine into NATO. And here has been the sequence of historically important events and realities regarding that Ukraine matter:

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