Democrats Praying for a Trump Assassination?


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

COMMENT: I have been a Democrat all my life, and I am 72. I suppose I was a Democrat because my father was. Like you, after watching what they have been doing to Trump and the flood of illegal aliens that have resulted in my own neighborhood becoming no longer safe, I will vote for Trump. After Bernie Thompson put in a bill to strip felons of Secret Service protection and deny RFK Secret Service protection, it is becoming painfully clear these people will kill opponents just to retain power. That no longer reflects what my father believed in and fought in World War II to protect no I in Vietnam. I have always watched your political forecasts from Socrates with curiosity. Now I can see its forecasts are inevitable.


God bless you for your contribution to humankind.


JFK Willingboro Oct 1960

REPLY: Yes, I grew up in a Democratic house. My father took me to see John F. Kennedy in 1960 in Willingboro, New Jersey. He shook my hand, but unlike Bill Clinton, that did not inspire me to run for president. I was raised with the belief in being fair and against corruption. There is no way my father would be a Democrat today. The Democratic Party no longer represents what it once did.

Through my years, all I have witnessed is how handing ANY power to those in government becomes like a drug addiction, and they will stoop to absolutely anything to retain that power. This is our current crisis. The Democratic motto should be: We have defeated the enemy. We occupy the Hill. We have become the enemy. Walt Kelly, an American cartoonist (1913-1973), said: “We have met the enemy, and he is us!”

Civil Unrest 2023

We all have opinions. Yet, Socrates does not. It has taught me a lot about life and the evolution of society itself. Democrats are discovering that weaponizing the law against Trump has not been successful. The respect for them has collapsed internationally. There is NOBODY I have spoken to outside this country who does not view this as political and shocking. They thought the United States was the beacon of liberty in the world. This is not my personal opinion; these timing arrays have been produced long before our current political crisis. This election in 2024 will NEVER be accepted by either side. You will not have enough police or prison space to contain the civil unrest. Biden is doing everything possible to simultaneously create World War III as a distraction from the political corruption unfolding before our eyes.

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