Legacy of Operation Mockingbird Lives On in CIA’s Russophobic Influence Over Media


from Sputnik News:

Former US President Harry Truman once penned an op-ed decrying the unaccountable power of the agency his administration created. The piece ran in the Washington Post one morning in 1963, but was removed from the paper’s evening edition.
Mainstream US media is gearing up for another election season dominated by Russophobia and neo-McCarthyism, if an article by intelligence agency stenographer Julian Barnes in The New York Times is any indication.

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“The US government is preparing for its adversaries to intensify efforts to influence American voters next year,” the piece, published late last year, ominously begins. “Russia appears to be paying close attention to the election, as its war in Ukraine is soon to enter a third year… With Republican opposition to Ukraine funding growing, officials believe that Moscow is likely to try to interfere even more in 2024.”
Barnes uncritically cites a report issued by US intelligence agencies – institutions that, as former CIA director Mike Pompeo noted in a rare moment of candor, train their employees to lie, cheat, and steal. Entire volumes of research have been published detailing Western spy agencies’ duplicitous efforts in the name of empire. Barnes, himself an alumnus of Harvard, seems either too dazzled by his sources’ credentials or too sympathetic to their mission to exercise journalistic scrutiny.

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