As Government Behaves Like A Terrorist Organization, A DoD Employee Tells James O’Keefe Americans Should Be Forced To Relinquish Our Guns (So Invaders Can Hunt Us Down And Kill Us)


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

(ANP: With deadly violence exploding all across the country in ‘Joe Biden’s America’ as crime reaches proportions unseen in decades and Biden’s so-called ‘Department of Justice’ absolutely FAILS law-abiding Americans while putting criminals and illegal alien invaders ahead of those 100’s of millions of Americans who OBEY the laws of this land, James O’Keefe recently gave the American people another GREAT REASON to continue arming up heavily with Joe Biden’s government BEHAVING LIKE TERRORISTS AND A CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION, secretly interviewing a DOD employee who claimed the government should take all the guns away from Americans, using force, so that ‘government’ would be the only ones with guns. With Biden’s govt already openly behaving like a criminal cabal or a mass murdering terrorist organization, could you imagine THAT?)


James O’Keefe recently released an undercover video in which Jason Beck, a Department of Defense employee, asserts that firearms owners should have their guns confiscated. By force. By the National Guard.

Constitution? What Constitution? Individual rights? Pshaw!

The DoD employee casually noted that he “would like to do some work on the state’s monopoly on violence.” When asked what state’s monopoly on violence meant he replied, “It’s the idea that the state, meaning the country, uh, is the only sort of legitimate purveyor of violence …” Anyone else feel a chill? (ANP: Meanwhile, criminals and invaders from coast to coast are backed by the Biden cabal!)

Speaking of that pesky Second Amendment’s protection of firearm ownership, Beck stated: “I think we should repeal it and take them all away. You have to take them.”

He then implied that the National Guard would need to be employed, and that those in it would have to follow “lawfully given orders.” Except that the order to ignore the Second Amendment and forcefully take private property from law-abiding citizens could not be a “lawfully given order.”  (ANP: But it’s quite clear that the ‘Biden crime cabal’ and the very real TERRORISTS in Washington DC could CARE LESS about the US Constitution and American laws! Why are they still here?)

Oh, and our military is supposed to protect us, not take our possessions and leave us defenseless. 

Beck also spoke of another favorite Democrat idea, packing the Supreme Court, saying “We need the majority on the Court so that they can’t stop” any potential legislation to disarm the American populace. (ANP: Then it’d be up to the AMERICAN PEOPLE to put a PERMANENT STOP to those very real terrorist actions! And that’s what the 2nd Amendment and WELL ARMED Americans are for! Did they suddenly start making terrorists ‘bullet proof’?)

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