Burning Down the House


by Justin Smith, The Burning Platform:

“I’m an ordinary guy burning down the house. Hold tight. Wait ’til the party’s over. Hold tight. We’re in for nasty weather. There has got to be a way, burning down the house.” ~ Joe Biden [just kiddin’ — lyrics from ‘Burning Down the House’ by Talking Heads]

America’s house is being consumed by a raging hot fire of Marxist-Maoist, Islamofascist, anti-American Democrat Paty radicalism and Republican cowardly fecklessness and, too often, complicity. America can’t be “built back better”, when everything the Biden regime currently supports is damaging some part of Her infrastructure; and, the country sure as hell can’t be built back better or “made great again”, when a Republican Speaker, with the purse strings in hand, refuses to put America first over Ukraine and Israel, in order to secure the wide-open southern border, which further subverts traditional America and tells our enemies, both foreign and domestic, that America is ripe for a final death blow.

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It’s well and fine to wish to help our Israeli allies, with whom we do have standing treaties that oblige us to send them a certain amount of military support each year, under a $38 billion memorandum that was signed in 2016. However, it’s like having a blazing, red-hot poker stuck straight up the taxpayers’ collective asses to discover that the U.S. is sending much more than required to Israel by way of a new bill put together by Speaker Mike Johnson, the Democrats and RINOs, on April 20th 2024, and $9 billion of the total $95 billion, for both Ukraine and Israel, is going to “humanitarian aid” for Gaza, which is the same as saying “more military armaments” for Hamas terrorists. And yet, these goddamned rat bastards in Congress couldn’t see fit to set aside money for actually securing our own borders or demand that our borders be sealed, secured and the alien invasion halted, before one damned red-cent is spent anywhere else.

It doesn’t matter that 112 Republicans voted against the bill. 101 Republicans voted for it, when there shouldn’t have been even one vote in favor, not until our own borders are secure, especially when Speaker Johnson and the Republicans could have used their House majority, slim as it is, as an effective tool to force the Democrat Party communists to agree to finally close the borders all the way down, other than necessary commerce, for a lengthy period of time.

Despite gushing comments from many Congressmen, that Johnson “did the right thing”, rest assured, he didn’t.

One cannot forget that only approximately ten percent of the Republican Congressional Caucus is comprised of fiscally responsible, liberty-loving, truly conservative patriotic Americans who actually do their dead level best to put America and her people’s Inalienable God-given Rights first every day.

With regular betrayals such as this from so-called Republicans and the continued destructive efforts by Democrats to “fundamentally transform America” into a full-blown authoritarian state, it isn’t any wonder that many Americans are looking for alternatives to both parties, to this system in fact. As good as our bicameral federal system has been, for the most part, our increasingly immoral populace has made possible for its subversion and manipulation, in such a manner as to create a new tyrannical government similar to the kind people feared most at the time leading up to our War for Independence, and it would appear that the concerns of the anti-federalists were well founded at the time of the Constitution’s ratification, since we now have a tyrant wannabe in Traitor Joe who acts every bit as tho’ he were King of America, without nary a fare-the-well.

And in the meantime, we have an ice-cream slurping fool assuring us in his typical arrogant fashion, on April 10th 2024, that “… we’re better situated than we were when we took office, where inflation was skyrocketing.”

I don’t know what delusion he’s under, but despite a slight dip in the inflation rate, the accumulated inflation since Biden first sat in the Oval Office is currently resting at nineteen percent. The stock markets may be doing great due to all the government spending, but the economy the average American faces daily is far from good for anyone, and still Bidenomics economists continue to blow smoke up every one’s ass and assure us all that things aren’t really more expensive, comparatively speaking, but the world we find just has a lot more zeros in the accounting ledgers.

By way of a heavy hand and very little urging from the Marxists and Maoists of his party, Biden has essentially restricted innovations and new development in every area that really matters, giving preference to his plans to destroy gas powered automobiles completely by 2035, replacing them with extremely unreliable and unwanted electric vehicles, even tho’ this has been shown to be a disastrous pursuit that is largely unsound and untenable in every way, especially given the current state of our electric grid. His attacks on fossil fuels are resulting in steep energy costs, while he now pursues oil from America’s enemies, placing us in a precarious national security situation. And adding insult to injury, he is now illegally forcing regular working men and women who didn’t have the opportunity to attend college to pay off $153 billion in student debt loans for 4.3 million students who, for the most part, were already of well means from wealthier family situations, tossing “equality under the law” out the window and promoting his supporters while taxing and hampering his opponents at every turn in the road, or the business world.

Today, our national debt is clipping right at $35 trillion and we keep spending nearly two trillion dollars more than we receive annually, raising our debt-to-GDP ratio to better than 120 percent, a level unseen since 1945. Even during our two-front war during WWII, we somehow managed to keep our debt down to fifty percent of GDP.

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