by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

There’s a story out that that grabbed my attention because it was shared with me no less than three times by three people who each had their own “take” on what may be going on. those three – S.C.G., T.S., and B.W. – get our thanks for the lead story this week. And before we dive into that story, you should know something: I had difficulty figuring out whether to file this story under “Nazi International” or “UFO”, and chose the latter, but not because of any strong leaning toward one or another of the interpretive alternatives, but rather because this coming Wednesday’s blog will definitely be filed under the former.

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So with that said, you may have missed this story about drones “swarming” Langley Air Force Base in December of last year:

Mysterious Drones Swarmed Langley AFB For Weeks

Here’s the story in a nutshell, from the first four paragraphs::

angley Air Force Base, located in one of the most strategic areas of the country, across the Chesapeake Bay from the sprawling Naval Station Norfolk and the open Atlantic, was at the epicenter of waves of mysterious drone incursions that occurred throughout December. The War Zone has been investigating these incidents and the response to them for months. We know that they were so troubling and persistent that they prompted bringing in advanced assets from around the U.S. government, including one of NASA’s WB-57F high-flying research planes. Now the U.S. Air Force has confirmed to us that they did indeed occur and provided details on the timeframe and diversity of drones involved.

This spate of bizarre drone incursions deeply underscores the still-growing threats that uncrewed aerial systems present on and off traditional battlefields, and to military and critical civilian infrastructure, issues The War Zone has been highlighting in great detail for years.

“To protect operational security, we do not discuss impacts to operations,” the statement added. “We don’t discuss our specific force protection measures but retain the right to protect the installation. Langley continues to monitor our air space and work with local law enforcement and other federal agencies to ensure the safety of base personnel, facilities, and assets.”

Oh…and in case you missed it, there is this intriguing little bit of information buried further down in the article, where, no doubt, the military hoped you’d miss it:

“NORAD has been conducting its routine mission of aerospace warning and aerospace control. … [we] can confirm we conducted flight activities over Virginia various times over the past couple weeks,” a spokesperson from the NORAD/NORTHCOM public affairs office told The War Zone at the time. “USNORTHCOM has been coordinating with [the] FBI, as is consistent with the combatant command’s coordinating role, but I have to refer you to [the] FBI on the nature of that law enforcement issue.”

… and here’s also this even more intriguing bit of information:

It is important to note that this is not the first time that Langley and other U.S. military bases across the country, including outlying U.S. territories, as well as critical civilian infrastructure, have been subjected to mysterious drone overflights. U.S. warships have also been swarmed off the coasts of the United States. U.S. military aircraft are also routinely encountering drones in various test and training ranges and other restricted military operating areas. America’s nuclear power plants have had very troubling encounters with drone swarms. Yet the frequency and nature of the incursions in Virginia sound eerily similar to the bizarre claims of unidentified drone swarms roving over the plains of Colorado in the Winter of 2019-2020. The government response to those incidents was something of a meek sideshow compared to what clearly occurred regarding the Langley incidents — a sign of just how much more serious these incidents are being taken.  (Italicized emphasis added)

Now you’re no doubt thinking what I’m thinking, and what SCG, BW, and TS were each thinking when they emailed this same story to me. Two of them – SCG and BW – even included a brief and basic description of who they thought was responsible in the light of the article’s suspicious lack of information on that subject, suspicious because with the NASA aircraft invoivement, no doubt photos and videos of the drones have been taken and analyzed, and a potential suspect or suspects already hypothesized. So in the absence of the military’s own conclusions, we are left to speculate.

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