CBDCs Not Needed – Existing Cryptocurrencies Already Programmable to Create a Worldwide Ledger for Total Surveillance and Control


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

A year ago (March, 2023), I reported how the GOP was coming out in public to condemn Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC), a sure sign that this was a psyop to get the public upset and fearful over something while the financial system was planning on implementing the principles behind CBDCs without having to use CBDCs.

Why are U.S. Politicians Suddenly Opposing CBDCs?

Within the past 30 days or so, several U.S. politicians have come out publicly against Central Bank Digital Currencies.

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They include: U.S. Congressman Tom Emmer (R-MN) who has introduced a bill that would prohibit the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC directly to anyone, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem who vetoed House Bill 1193, which would have amended the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code in the state which would have included Central Bank Digital Currencies as money, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis who recently held a press conference in which he stood at a podium labeled “Big Brother’s Digital Dollar,” proclaiming that Florida shall be a CBDC-free state, and Texas Senator Ted Cruz who is reintroducing legislation to the U.S. Senate that would prohibit a direct to consumer Federal Reserve-issued CBDC.

What do these four politicians all have in common?

They are all Republicans. You know, the party that used to hold the position that “all vaccines are safe and effective and the science has been settled,” which was the position of ALL politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, until it was decided by the GOP in 2022 that it was OK to oppose one kind of “vaccine,” the COVID shots, and therefore made it a political issue.

And of course they only adopted this position AFTER hundreds of millions of Americans had already received their shots.

This GOP position on the COVID shots, however, did not result in any action to either STOP injecting Americans with COVID-19 bioweapons, nor hold accountable those who approved them.

So do we now trust them on their opposition to Central Bank CBDCs? (Full article.)

Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., two of the candidates running for the office of the President of the United States this year, have also made similar promises to stop the implementation of CBDCs.

Apparently they have been effective in scaring the public about the dangers of CBDCs, as earlier this month (March, 2024) Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell came out in public and stated:

“People don’t need to worry about a central bank digital currency, nothing like that is remotely close to happening anytime soon.”

He made this statement to the Senate Banking Committee. (Source.)

While the U.S. public continues to be frightened about the possibilities of CBDCs, something else has been happening here in 2024, and that is the rapid advance in converting cryptocurrencies into assets, by getting the SEC to approve ETFs for existing cryptocurrencies, allowing anyone now to be able to invest in cryptocurrencies through the Stock Market without actually owning them.

Leading the way in creating cryptocurrency ETFs is Larry Fink of BlackRock, head of the largest money-management firm in the world.

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