The United States and Europe Are Hell Bent on Sparking World War III


by Larry Johnson, The Unz Review:

The U.S. and Europe — the Brits in particular — are out of control and flouting international law as they carry out military strikes in Yemen, Syria and Iraq. The West claims it is an act of self-defense, but instead of killing or arresting specific individuals responsible for attacks, are engaged in collective punishment. I think we are coming to a point where anger against the West is going to boil over and the U.S. and Europe will get a taste of their own medicine. All of this was avoidable, but the U.S. and Britain have convinced their citizens that attacks on foreign countries without the backing of the UN is entirely appropriate. It is not. These actions shred international support for the U.S. proclaimed “rules-based international order.”


The latest incident to spark outrage is a hellfire missile strike in Baghdad.

According to CENTCOM, Abu al-Saadi was the only target of the assassination in Baghdad. Acording to them, he was responsible for attacks against American bases.

According to a pro-resistance source close to the PMU, al-Saadi was assassinated alone in a car without any other companions being assassinated, contrary to the initial reports of a second person.

[Other] Reports state that the targeted assassination hit the vehicles of Kataib Hezbollah commanders, namely Abu Baqir al-Saadi and Hajj Arkan al-Alaywi.

The United States ostensibly has friendly relations with the Government of Iraq. The normal procedure under the “rules-based international order” requires the United States to issue an indictment against the alleged perpetrators of Tower 22 bombing and then present that to the Government of Iraq and request arrest and extradition. Rather than follow a diplomatic route, the United States carried out an act of war on the sovereign territory of Iraq. This act gives Iraq — again under the “rules-based international order” proclaimed as sacrosanct by the United States — the right to strike back against U.S. targets.

In the immediate aftermath of the assassination, Iraqis took to the streets of Baghdad chanting ,”God is Great, America is the Great Satan”.

 Video Link

I would not want to be a U.S. diplomat or CIA officer in Baghdad. They are going to be targeted and I would not be surprised if they are attacked. This type of action does not diminish the enthusiasm for attacking U.S. bases and personnel in Iraq. Just the opposite.

BREAKING: With Harakat Hizbullah al-Nujaba leading the way in solidarity with Kata’ib Hizbullah, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq has just struck the illegal US ZOG base on Al-Omar oilfield in Syria’s Deir Ezzor! Suicide drones have caused HUGE explosions!

Don’t think of this alone as the strikeback for Hajj Abou Baqir al-Saadi ( (R.A.)! No, occupiers! This is but the beginning!

I believe the coming days will see a significant increase in attacks on U.S. bases and personnel in the region. This most likely will lead to further attacks by U.S. forces on targets inside Iraq, which is only going to enrage the Iraqi people and force the Government of Iraq to demand that the U.S. withdraw its forces. Worst case, Iraq breaks relations with Washington.

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