How Moderna hid the death of a child in a Covid vaccine clinical trial – even as it seemed to disclose the trial’s results


by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

Selective publication is a hell of a drug


Last week, I disclosed that a pre-school aged child had died of “cardio-respiratory arrest” in Moderna’s pivotal KidCOVE clinical trial for its mRNA Covid vaccine.

Given the controversy over mRNA jabs for children, the death would likely have been big news – if Moderna and the supposedly independent physicians involved with the trial had reported it.


But a review of Moderna’s articles around KidCOVE shows the company hid reporting the death while pretending to be transparent. In 2024, it published results from KidCOVE that excluded the part of the trial where the death occurred. Had European regulators not made Moderna report and publish the full results in September, albeit on an obscure Website, the death would still be a secret.

Why didn’t Moderna report the KidCOVE death in the United States?

So far, Moderna will not comment on the death, or even acknowledge questions on it.

Dr. Buddy Creech, a Vanderbilt University vaccine researcher and the lead author on the first major KidCOVE article – published in 2022 in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine in a sign of its importance – also failed to acknowledge emailed questions.

(Creech and Wrong!1)


As I reported last week, the child who died during KidCOVE was under 5 years old and healthy, as the trial only enrolled generally healthy children.

Moderna conducted the trial only in North America, with most recruiting sites in the United States, so the child was very likely American. He or she died about two years ago, in late 2022 or early 2023, after receiving a 10-microgram dose of Moderna’s first Omicron-specific booster, called mRNA-1273.214. The company had introduced the booster because its original mRNA-1273 jab did not work well against Omicron.

Moderna found that the death was not “causally related” to the shot.

And those are more or less the only facts the company has publicly disclosed.

But Moderna knows much more: the child’s exact age, if he or she had underlying conditions, how quickly the death followed the jab, and additional details about how the child became ill and died. Those bits of information are crucial for anyone trying to determine what happened, and whether the death might reveal broader problems with the jab.

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