Could there be civil war in both the US and the Catholic Church?


from LifeSite News:

(LifeSiteNews) — Father Charles Murr and Liz Yore once again joined John-Henry Westen in last Friday’s episode of Faith & Reason, in which they discussed the illegal immigration crisis at America’s southern border as well as the ongoing crisis in the Church caused by Fiducia Supplicans.


Late last month, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruled that federal border patrol agents could remove razor wire installed on the Texas-Mexico border, deciding a lawsuit filed by the Biden administration against Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

Abbott, who ordered the razor wire be installed in an attempt to stop the surge of undocumented migrants from entering the United States, has said that he would continue to put razor wire on the border. He is currently receiving support from 25 other state governors, including Governors Ron DeSantis of Florida, Kristi Noem of South Dakota, and Bill Lee of Tennessee.

In a statement released Wednesday, Abbott said that President Joe Biden was “violat[ing] his oath to faithfully execute immigration laws enacted by Congress” by suing Texas for taking action to secure its border instead of prosecuting immigrants who have illegally entered the country.

Yore opined that the fight between Abbott and the Biden administration will continue to play out both at SCOTUS and the border. She also noted that the debacle does not look good for Biden to allow a “mass invasion into our country” during an election year.

“This is precisely what needs to be done,” Yore said about Abbott and the supporting governors. “The great thing about this kind of border clash that’s now going on between the states and the federal government, is that now the whole country is focusing on what’s happening at the border.”

She added that the mainstream media had attempted to “tamp down the information” regarding the border. Speaking about the situation on the southern border, she said “it’s become an extremely dangerous situation that needs the intervention of the states because the federal government is facilitating this invasion.”

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