Astonishing Predictions from Dr Richard Day 1969 – Part 1 – “Plans Much Bigger Than Communism.”


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

“Plans much bigger than communism’ have been set in motion” and people who were not primarily in public office, but people of prominence and known to the public through their occupations or private positions have the power to devise and implement such plans” revealed eminent professor Dr Richard Day, but this was not a recent revelation, this was said back in 1969! According to Dr Day the plan was “ enter the twenty-first century with a running start. Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now…”


By now, we all know, or should know, that we are living through an era that has been planned for many years, and the plandemic, was not merely “the window of opportunity” for a”great reset” that Klaus Schwab would like us to believe. No, the reset required a situation whereby the masses would readily adhere to orders no matter how inhumane, irrational or downright ridiculous they may be.

Fear and confusion a perceived “deadly pandemic” would elicit, made it the perfect scenario to render individuals helpless and malleable, a combination that would not only enable, a coup d’état with plans of totalitarian control, but would have some individuals positively welcoming it. If only they had been made aware of the plans that “people of prominence” had for us!

However, those plans have been in the public for years. For instance, on June the 8th, 2015 Henri Thibodeau wrote a piece in his blog about the predictions of Dr Richard Day, and how the world would be today.

Below are the topics included in the information from Dr Dunegan, which are arguably unusual subjects in 1969?

  • Compulsory sterilisation
  • Contraception
  • Euthanasia and the “Demise Pill”
  • Families will diminish in importance
  • Fashion and sexuality
  • Fluoridation
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) crops
  • Homosexuality
  • Laboratory Babies
  • Living Space & Agenda 21
  • Media and sex
  • New difficult-to-diagnose and untreatable disease
  • Population Control
  • Sex education
  • Suppressing cancer cures as a means of population control
  • Source

The full article by Henri Thibodeau has been republished below.

Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today.

Posted on June 8, 2015 by Henri Thibodeau

Dr. Richard Day taught at Mount Sinai from 1968 until he retired in 1971. Earlier he had been national medical director of Planned Parenthood (1965-1968); professor and chairman of the department of pediatrics at the University of Pittsburgh (1956 to 1965); professor and chairman of the department of pediatrics in the Downstate Medical School in Brooklyn (1953 to 1956) and associate professor at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University (1935 to 1953) | New York Times Obituary, June 16, 1989

There was a meeting of pediatricians and students that took place on the 20th of March 1969 at the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society, which was located on Ridge Avenue in Pittsburgh. One of the speakers was Dr. Richard Day, an eminent professor and physician, and Medical Director of the organisation Planned Parenthood.

‘Planned Parenthood’ was established in 1921 (then under the name of the ‘American Birth Control League’) in the United States by Margaret Sanger, a proponent of birth control, and a member of the American Eugenics Society, which lobbied for women’s rights to have access to birth control methods and education.

The organisation grew, and established clinics all over the USA (and has expanded into the world market), and is now the USA’s leading sexual and reproductive healthcare provider – and is the leading provider of abortion services. ‘Planned Parenthood’ has been the subject of intense criticism since its establishment, from anti-abortion organisations and campaigners, to those who have criticized the way the organisation is funded, both by the government, the Rockefeller Foundation (a family known to be part of the globalist elite, and has funded ‘Planned Parenthood’ since its inception in 1921), and private donors.

At a dinner after the meeting on the 20th of March 1969, Dr Day asked the attendees (a close group of colleagues) not to take notes or record what he was about to tell them. Something which Dr Dunegan said he found unusual for a professor to ask of his audience.

The reason Dr Day implied was that there would be negative repercussions – possibly personal danger –  against him if it became widely known that he had talked about the information he was about to relay to the group. Dr Day told the group that what he was about to say would make it easier for them to adapt if they knew what to expect beforehand, something of an ambiguous statement which became clearer as Dr Day spoke.

Dr Dunegan got the impression that Dr Day was talking as an ‘insider’, rather than as a person who was presenting a theory or speaking in terms of retrospect. Dr. Day’s knowledge was concrete as he talked about the future and the strategies of people and organisations that had a defined plan for the world and were in a position to make sure that plan was executed.

Plans Already Set In Motion.

In introducing that there were those who had a plan for the world, Dr Day also informed his audience that there was a timescale, and that much of what they wanted would be achieved through plans that were already set in motion. Dr Dunegan recalls Dr Day saying “We plan to enter the twenty-first century with a running start. Everything is in place and nobody can stop us now…”, and that he felt relatively free to talk about this to those he considered friends. Dr Day referred to the plans of those in power as being ‘much bigger than communism’.

When talking about the people who had the power to devise and implement such plans, Dr Day stated that they were not primarily in public office, but were people of prominence who would be known to the public through their occupations or private positions.

This ties-in with what we know about the globalist elite today, primarily consisting of families involved in operating large-scale financial institutions (the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and others), European royalty (Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Queen Elizabeth II, and others), and other extremely wealthy individuals that make up the 300 or so members.

Two other statements Dr Day made during his introduction were “People will have to get used to the idea of change, so used to change, that they’ll be expecting change. Nothing will be permanent,” and “People are too trusting. People don’t ask the right questions.”

If we look at how society has developed over the past forty years or so, attitudes have changed significantly, especially among the generations who were born from the 1970s onwards and have grown up in an atmosphere of change. The development of science and technology has happened at a faster rate than at any other time in human history.

People are able to travel to any part of the world, and many choose to spend time abroad or work in different parts of their own country – something which to older generations would have seemed exotic or unattainable, preferring certain things to remain as they were as reference points in their lives and part of the solid foundation on which their society was maintained.

Our analysis is based on the taped interview with Dr Dunegan in 1988 when he recollected his memories of the meeting in 1969. In the analysis of events since the meeting in 1969, we have primarily used 1988 as a starting point because Dr Dunegan could not possibly have knowledge of future events, whereas there is a possibility that memories of the 1969 meeting may have become mixed with other perceptions between 1969 and 1988. Even so, any significant events which occurred between 1969 and 1988 are also included.

New Order of The Barbarians.

Below is the recording of Dr Lawrence Dunegan recollecting the meeting on the 20th March 1969. The video is of the audio alone and is of low quality and around an hour long. . Dr Richard Day.


Below is the transcript that I have republished after finding it on Sage Hanna Substack.

Sage Hanna has provided the subtitles to break up the wall of text and has also added the videos.


Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, 1988

There has been much written, and much said, by some people who have looked at all the changes that have occurred in American society in the past 20 years or so, and who have looked retrospectively to earlier history of the United States, and indeed, of the world, and come to the conclusion that there is a conspiracy of sorts which influences, indeed controls. major historical events, not only in the United States, but around the world. This conspiratorial interpretation of history is based on people making observations from the outside, gathering evidence and coming to the conclusion that from the outside they see a conspiracy. Their evidence and conclusions are based on evidence gathered in retrospect. Period.

I want to now describe what I heard from a speaker in 1969 which in several weeks will now be 20 years ago. The speaker did not speak in terms of retrospect, but rather predicting changes that would be brought about in the future. The speaker was not looking from the outside in, thinking that he saw conspiracy, rather, he was on the inside, admitting that, indeed, there was an organized power, force, group of men, who wielded enough influence to determine major events involving countries around the world. And he predicted, or rather expounded on, changes that were planned for the remainder of this century.

As you listen, if you can recall the situation, at least in the United States in 1969 and the few years there after, and then recall the kinds of changes which have occurred between then and now, almost 20 years later, I believe you will be impressed with the degree to which the things that were planned to be brought about have already been accomplished. Some of the things that were discussed were not intended to be accomplished yet by 1988. [Note: the year of this recording] but are intended to be accomplished before the end of this century. There is a timetable; and it was during this session that some of the elements of the timetable were brought out.

Anyone who recalls early in the days of the Kennedy Presidency .. the Kennedy campaign .. when he spoke of .. progress in the decade of the 60’s”: that was kind of a cliché in those days – “the decade of the 60’s.” Well, by 1969 our speaker was talking about the decade of the 70’s, the decade of the 80’s, and the decade of the 90’s.

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