Anniversary of Atrocity: Why The Lies That Led To The Iraq War Still Matter


by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Today is the 21 year anniversary of when Colin Powell sold us the lie about WMD’s in Iraq and I feel like it is important to once again remind people that the American government is still making up blatant lies to sell unnecessary wars so rich dudes can make a bunch of money from killing innocent people.

The bluntness of that statement may come off as churlish but I assure you it is anything but. It is merely the somber reality that comes with living life under the American empire; the most ruthless force of conquest and destruction around the world in all of recorded history of human civilization.


To that statement many who are still trapped in collectivist tribalist ideology that consider themselves apple pie loving, flag waving “patriots” would vary derisively and vitriolically, likely with a slew of expletives, regurgitate some variation of the tired “If you don’t love it, leave it!” mantra. Thereby entirely missing the point.

The word “patriots” is placed in quotation marks due to the abject irony of referring to oneself as a patriot while vehemently and unquestioningly marching in lockstep with one’s own government. Many of those same individuals whom would likely display disdain for it in a separate context. The true mark of a man’s patriotism should be so deeply rooted in his love for his country and his countrymen that he is willing to hold his government accountable to ensure that no excess of abuse would undermine his God-given right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and the peace and prosperity of all his people. Moreover, I am reminded of the immortal words of the great Ron Paul —


Who among us with any shred of a moral constitution can honestly assert that the mass slaughter of human beings for profit is right or just in any capacity? Furthermore, how would “leaving it” if one doesn’t “love it” in any way solve the issue? The brutality of the American empire, either directly or by proxy via the imperialism of its western allies, reaches every corner of the globe. Nowhere can one go where they are untouched by the death machine that is the military industrial complex or the greater auspices of corporate colonialism or economic erosion that accompany its policies.

As a people we have to stand united in calling for an end to slaughterhouse politics. Today is as good of a day as any to remind our fellow countrymen of that utmost patriotic of duties.

On February 5th 2003 Secretary of State for the George W Bush administration Colin Powell sat before the United Nations Security council asserting that the United states had irrefutable and undeniable evidence that the government of Iraq under Saddam Hussein was still harboring and producing weapons of mass destruction. This, combined with other dubious claims of Saddam’s alleged relationship with al Qaeda and supposed connection to the September 11th 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center were used as the pretext to justify U.S. military intervention culminating with the March 2003 invasion and overthrow of Iraq.

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