While Americans Struggle To Feed Their Families, Illegal Immigrants Waste 5,000 Taxpayer-Funded Meals A Day….. And That Is In Just One U.S. City


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

While the media, on behalf of the Biden regime, insists the economy is “booming,” inflation is down, and by all metrics U.S. Citizens should be happy with “Bidenomics,” most Americans aren’t buying what they are selling. NPR claims it is a “hangover” from high inflation, but in reality it is Americans looking at their lack of savings, their wallet, their checking accounts and their grocery bills.

No matter how low monthly or yearly inflation numbers go, prices aren’t going down and won’t unless we see negative inflation. Some media outlets will casually mention this fact while hammering the White House talking points, acting like Americans are ungrateful for the wonders of Bidenomics.

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The disconnect between the MSM narrative and Americans who are struggling to feed their families, is the media is doing everything in their power to protect Biden and help him get reelected, and Americans are simply trying to survive.

Not only are the majority of American living paycheck to paycheck, but according to recent reports, more and more are being forced to use food banks, and are “scared” for their future.

Another American, Carl Willette from Augusta, Maine, said he’s been relying on a food bank consistently for the first time in his life. 

“It is like a noose around your neck getting tighter,” Willette, 85, and a caregiver for his wife, said. “You cannot imagine the pressure that is on us now with everything the way it is. I can’t understand, how do they justify the wages that there are today, why does stuff have to go up like that, why does it have to go up so much?

Food banks are much more expensive to run, according to Jen Muzia with the Seattle Ballard Foodbank, who told Fox News Digital, “It’s costing us way more to buy food.”

Now Biden is busy claiming that the high cost of food, and just about everything else, isn’t his fault, it is corporations refusing the lower their prices, yet Americans see right through that strawman, as an overwhelming majority express extremely low confidence in Biden in regards to the economy and illegal immigration.

Via Pew Research on December 14, 2023:


The share of Americans saying they are very or somewhat confident in him to make good decisions on economic policy has fallen 20 percentage points since March 2021 (from 56% to 36%).

Most Americans seem to be far smarter than Biden and the media think they are, as they see through the attempts to gaslight them.

It isn’t only food either. Winter is right around the corner and many cannot afford to heat their homes, which makes people like retired Pennsylvania State Police officer John Lawler and his team of volunteers, actual heroes. No superpowers needed.

Lawler operates what’s known as a firewood bank. The concept is similar to the food pantry; except community members who can’t afford to heat their homes come here to get firewood, not canned vegetables.

More than 100 firewood banks exist nationwide — a number that U.S. Forestry officials say is growing as more Americans struggle with energy bills.

“There’s more of a need. There’s more of a need now than there was four years ago,” he said.

For those in the same situation, here is a map showing where Firewood banks are located across the nation.

Now, with all of that facing U.S. citizens, the last thing we want to see is the out of control border, and how the federal government and liberal state leaders are using taxpayer money being used to feed illegal immigrants.

Top that off with the amount of food those illegals are “rejecting” and throwing away, and Americans have every justification to be furious with the Biden regime.

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