9/11 HOAX: Not only was there no plane…..


from State Of The Nation:

…but it was a cruise missile launched
by the U.S. Navy that hit the Pentagon
on September 11, 2001.

US Military False Flag Attack Against Its Own Citizenry Demands A War Crimes Tribunal

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

First, here’s “Rare Footage From A Manhattan Rooftop on 9/11/01“:

Next, here is a “9/11 video showing Pentagon footage with the cruise MISSILE impact never shown to public“.

9/11 FACT: The Pentagon Was Hit By A Cruise Missile From The US Military Arsenal

The AGM-86 ALCM is an American subsonic air-launched cruise missile (ALCM) built by Boeing and operated by the United States Air Force.

The AGM-86 ALCM is an American subsonic air-launched cruise missile (ALCM) built by Boeing and operated by the United States Air Force.

US Military False Flag Attack Against Its
Own Citizenry Demands A
War Crimes Tribunal

State of the Nation

5dbc426c4403* * * Video of The Missile Hitting The Pentagon * * *

9/11 FACT: The Pentagon Was Hit By A Cruise Missile From The US Military Arsenal

          Here’s a photo of the type of cruise missile that hit the Pentagon.

What follows is a photo of an airplane flying in strictly restricted airspace at the moment of the cruise missile impact at the Pentagon.

“The diagram below, shows the thermonuclear warhead vaporized seven layers of especially reinforced concrete, before exiting on the inside of C Ring!” — BREAKING ALL THE RULES Forum › 911 › 911 War of Terror › Pentagon

Now here’s a video with commentary regarding the whole sequence of events at the Pentagon where it’s clear that a commercial airliner did not strike the building, but a cruise missile did.

The American People Must Act … Sooner Or Later!

The Whole World Has Waited For 13 Years For 9/11 Truth And Justice.

Nations Everywhere Plead With The US Citizenry To Take Back Their Country.


Because the very same people who are responsible for the 9/11 terror attacks continue to conduct false flag operations across the planet and start unprovoked wars of naked aggression bringing armed conflicts to once peaceful lands.

The shadow government controlling the USA has used the pretext of 9/11 to wage wars wherever they are in competition for resources, especially oil and gas reserves, oil and gas conduits, oil refineries and sea ports.

The same unelected criminal cabal routinely uses the overwhelming US military capability to shock and awe any defenseless nation which presents an attractive geopolitical advantage.  Likewise, they invade countries at will that disobey their orders or attempt to go their own way.

Read More @ StateOfTheNation.co