Researchers At National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Discover Mysterious ‘Glowing Orb’ Egg Two Miles Down Below The Surface In Alaska


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Whatever it is, researchers from NOAA are perplexed by a mysterious golden orb with a hole in it that was discovered on the seafloor off the coast of Alaska.

Today is Day 1,269 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, so absolutely nothing is impossible with everything related to the end times still ‘on the table’. With that in mind, what do we make of a glowing egg-shaped ‘golden orb’ found two miles below the surface on the seafloor in Alaska? The well-seasoned scientists and researchers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have no idea of any kind other than it looks like, perhaps, something from the 1979 movie ‘Alien’. Interesting reference, that.


Here’s some ‘fun facts for you: Leviathan is not only a type of Satan, Revelation 12 and 13 reveal him to be Satan himself! You know what the sea is? Satan’s playground. Maybe this mysterious ‘glowing orb’ egg is nothing more than a new type of sponge, who knows? But I know that the sea is getting ready to ‘hatch’ something very soon. Levithan is a ‘water horse’ who lives in the sea, easily survived the flood of Noah, and loves to romp in ‘the deeps’. Yeah, we’ll keep a close eye on this ‘glowing orb’.

Mysterious ‘golden egg’ is discovered on the seafloor off Alaska – and experts say they’ve never seen anything like it

FROM THE DAILY MAIL UK: The shiny object is delicate to the touch, like skin tissue, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). While experts are unsure what exactly it is, they suggest it could be an egg casing or the remains of a marine sponge.

‘Something tried to get in… or to get out,’ one researcher said during the livefeed of its discovery.

The ‘egg’ was found two miles deep during an expedition led by the NOAA, which was streamed online. NOAA posted a photo to Twitter and said the ‘golden orb’, likely an egg casing, struck an ‘imaginative chord’ for many watching the livestream. Rather than leave it where it was, the NOAA deployed a remotely operated arm to ‘tickle’ the object and remove it from its rock. It was then suctioned up a tube to bring it back to shore, where DNA testing in the lab should hopefully reveal more about what it is.

Experts are undecided as to what caused the gaping hole at the front, although it could be the result of an altercation with another sea creature.

‘Something tried to get in… or to get out,’ one researcher said during the live feed, according to the Miami Herald.

Another team member said: ‘I just hope when we poke it, something doesn’t decide to come out.

They added that it was like the beginning of a horror movie’, in reference to an early scene in Ridley Scott’s Alien where John Hurt’s character comes across the ‘facehugger’ on another planet.

Another team member added: ‘When our collective knowledge can’t identify it, it’s something weird. ‘What kind of an animal would make an egg casing like that?’

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